
Day one of the four day weekend. I've been looking forward to this since the last break lol. Not sure when that was though. And it has been completely uneventful. Thursday was kinda interesting though. I took cookies again, and they were a hit, even though they were a little overcooked. I got quite a few over-enthusiastic hugs and a request for the well as things like "I gave my cookie to [insert name]...can I have another?". Giving away cookies amuses me. Chelsea came up to me afterwards and told me to open a cookie shop called Kara's Cookies. If I could make money at this, it'd be even cooler lol.

Today Steph went to work with she set her stinking alarm clock for seven. So I got to get up then too. I tried to take a nap earlier, but it didn't work out too well. I might just go to bed early tonight, seeing as I have absolutely nothing else to do. Except crochet. And watch movies. And listen to the rain. Hmm.

Going to Don's tomorrow to see his new litter of puppies. He now has 22 dogs. A little outrageous if you ask me. But still pretty cute. =) After that I'm going to go sing at the county talent show with the choir. Should be pretty fun. My choir dress needs to be used a little more anyway.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the best kind of break to me. Unless maybe the rain was snow ;)

Sierra said...

We have a girl at our school who sells cookies for 50 cents that are super yummy lol you could start making money :)

auntiegwen said...

Cookies are THE way to everyones heart ! I'll have to start making some