
I'm grumpy.

And I hate being grumpy. It makes me grumpier. And the worst part is, I don't even have a reason to be grumpy. I actually sang that song from the Oklahoma musical called "Oh What a Beautiful Morning" as I walked to the bus stop, even though it was cloudy, and hardly morning, considering the sun hadn't even started coming up.

Anyway, the only things I can think of that could've made me grumpy were

-Loftis and his "teaching"...honestly, lawyers shouldn't be allowed to teach anything.
-Clarissa and her incessant whiny voice asking me over and over again to help her with math problems that I hadn't even gotten to and then complaining when I couldn't. And then coming back for more help.
-Mr. Hoover and his fourth grade teaching methods. And this idiotic book called Into the Wild that I pretty much finished forever ago, but the class is only half-way done, so I'm not allowed to read my own book while they read.
-It was cloudy all day, but it didn't rain, which is always frustrating.
-I had a headache (but I'm pretty sure it was caused by Clarissa's voice. It's shrill. Kinda makes you wanna kill yourself.)

These are things that I encounter most days, but somehow, it made me really grumpy. And I'm having a hard time not being grumpy. And I still have homework to do. That's not helping at all. I kinda sorta want to just stay home tomorrow and sleep, but then I'd get all behind with assignments and I'd have to explain to everyone why I wasn't at school, and of course, sleeping in isn't a very good excuse, so I'd have to fancify it every time someone asked. I just don't have the energy for that.

Anyway, we're headed up to a Halloween get together at the Fleck's tomorrow night. Should be fun. And there will be sugar. (I know this, 'cause we're providing it =])So I'm gonna go finish homework now. And I'm gonna make brownies. Maybe they'll cheer me up.

Yup...just the thought is making me happy already!

Well, I hope mom lets me. I just made a batch the other day...


Geeze. This time it's been Shawna bugging me to blog, which is just stupid. She's in Montana! She pretty much isn't allowed to bug me anymore! Grr. =P

Well, this is the first week back from Fall Break. Half of it was spent at Dads, but Thursday after my cello lesson we went down to the Cruz's for a while. It ended up being until Sunday evening after we got back from Fresno Special Mtg. (my third, btw. That on top of the five conventions I had this year leaves me feelin' pretty angelic =]) It was a lot of fun. Steph had a blast taking care of Baby Ruben (Julie sure enjoyed it too. She's had enough changing diapers to last her a lifetime) and entertaining Vanessa, who's now, very proudly, 3 and a half. Marlissa and I hung out a bit, playing the piano and reading books and making pumkin bread and cleaning the kitchen (only to have it messed up five minutes later by rampaging kids). Saturday was Julie's birthday, so Alicia and Steph made a cake by a recipie that Julie had set out on the counter after saying very pointedly that it was a very good recipie. I personally think that too many years of living with young kids will leave a person without the ability to hint subtly. It's probably best to just say what you mean straight out and not have to worry about whether they understood your inference or not. Of course, that might be a problem either way, but still...

As a side note, I now officially have two Aunt Julie's. The one mentioned above is the second as of last week. For some reason, every time I said her name I would put an "Aunt" before it, automatically thinking of the origional Aunt Julie in Montana. After a day or two of constantly correcting myself, I just decided to call her Aunt. It's just easier. She didn't mind, and technically, she's a step-aunt, so it's all good. =)

So now we're back at school. It's insanely dumb. I have gotten waay too used to sleeping in, so now I keep feeling like I'm way behind. Which is definitely not the case. I go to bed pretty early. Anyway.

Made brownies last night. They were scrumptious. Now they're gone. It's odd how food disappears faster with only three of us at home than it did with five or six. Some part of me wants to say that it's because of Kirstyn following us around as we ate accusing us of adding poundage to our posteriors, but I probably shouldn't. She might come back and start doing it again. =)

Got a new guy in our aerobics class. He just switched in from the seventh period aerobics. Feel kinda bad for him, 'cause he's the only guy in there. Except the TA's. But they spent their time doing backflips onto big squishy foam blocks. Hmm.

I'm officially not going to Ireland. Those of you who have been on MySpace would actually know that. I've decided to save my money for a car and the trip to Ireland that mom wants to take in a couple years to go over for convention. I figured it would be a little wiser to stay home.

Anyway, I'm off now. Even though I've got nothing to do.


Well, I have been officially reprimanded by my mother for that last post of mine, and I'm sure to get another tounge lashing the next time Sierra gets on the computer too, so I should prolly do a decently lengthed post.

Well, It's the second day of fall break and boredom already ensues. Sunday was Sacramento's special meeting, which was cool, because there were people there from the other field that I hadn't seen in pretty much ages. (That would be the Cruz's) So I made plans with Julie Cruz to be kidnapped sometime this week for boredom's sake. I think that little event is planned to happen Thursday after my cello lesson.

Today and yesterday, I've been working out in the yard, blowing leaves, stacking wood, and generally making my muscle-less arms really sore while setting to work with a pair of clippers. I managed to scare myself pretty badly as I was trimming up some vines that had somehow made it over the fence. I was almost done, so I was trying to hurry it up a bit and I was just hacking through at it, when I realized I had just unearthed a pretty large wasp nest. Red alert...abandon post...mmk, run. So I almost did...and then I realized I was standing right in front of a wood pile. So I almost tripped. But I didn't. I just hastened in a very un-graceful fashion. Anyway, I didn't get myself stung. Good stuff.

So tomorrow is my music lesson...not really sure what to expect from we'll see. Thursday is my cello lesson. It'll be interesting to try and fit that thing into Dad's dinky car. Oh well.

Anyway, I think that's gonna be the end of this post, 'cause I've got a headache that isn't really being helped by staring at a computer. So ta for now. =)

Ok fine...

Here ya go Sierra. I posted.



Some new favorite quotes

But before I get to them, I've gotta point something out. Just as I was about to click on the "Add Post" button, I noticed this little dohickey in the corner of the page that said "You have four followers".

Heck...I could be my own religion. Tell your friends!

Well, on to the quotes. These came about through a combination of English a week or two ago, and the Bumper Sticker's application on MySpace. Don't judge's just my weakness. =)

"The man fell from the 12th story window and hit the ground below like a Hefty bag filled with vegetable soup." (Let that one sit in your head for a little

"He was as tall as a six foot three inch tree." (Sierra, this could work for you too, but you'd be a three foot shrub. lol...jk)

"Gramps still had a mind like a steel trap, although now it more closely resembled a steel trap that had rusted shut with time."

"I dream of a world where a chicken can cross the road without having his motives questioned."

"You're a great friend, but if the zombies chase us, I'm tripping you."

"I'm not so great at the advice; can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?"

"Don't follow in my footsteps. I run into walls."

"Of course women don't work as hard as men...we get it right the first time!"

"Congratulations; your incredible wit and biting sarcasm...they have slain me. I am dead." (This one would be funnier still if you could see the pic that went with it.)

"Disney gave me unrealistic expectations about men"

"A clean house is a sign of a wasted life."

"I refuse to have a battle of wits with someone who is unarmed." (yup, that's officially a golden oldie)

"Raising a teenager is like nailing jello to a tree."

"Girls can do anything boys can, but we can do it in heels." (That one's just for you, Kirstyn)

"If people were meant to pop out of bed in the morning, we'd all sleep in toasters."

"Pale is the new tan"

"Vegetarian: the Indian word for 'bad hunter'"

Finally...a blond joke...

Why did the blond climb over the glass wall?

So she could see what was on the other side!

I'm sorry for that one. I truly am.


Homecoming Game

So who else agrees it's time for me to post again? I'm imagining a whole bunch of hands flying into the air, here. If they aren't, well, then, why on earth would I be posting? Hmm?

Well, We had the Powder Puff game today, during which I pretty much froze. I spent the first half snuggled up to one friend or another (Casey, 90% of the time, because she was just as cold as me), until Casey found a bunch of her emo friends. I made myself scarce. Emo kids are waaaaayyyyy not my type. So I found Katie and Laura and One of their friends and hung out with them for the last five minutes of the game. We were apparently supposed to be cheering on the seniors (it was seniors vs juniors), but I guess we didn't cheer loud enough (or at all, for that matter) 'cause they lost 18 to nuthin. I'm sure they'll get over it soon enough.

Homecoming game is tonight, and I'm actually going to go. I'm pretty excited because most of my friends are going (except Casey, that fuddy duddy). Who cares about the game? I just hope they actually win this one...they lost our last homecoming game pretty bad.

Anyway, off to make cookies...or maybe just cookie dough. hmm.

So that's all for now, folks.