
Well, I have been officially reprimanded by my mother for that last post of mine, and I'm sure to get another tounge lashing the next time Sierra gets on the computer too, so I should prolly do a decently lengthed post.

Well, It's the second day of fall break and boredom already ensues. Sunday was Sacramento's special meeting, which was cool, because there were people there from the other field that I hadn't seen in pretty much ages. (That would be the Cruz's) So I made plans with Julie Cruz to be kidnapped sometime this week for boredom's sake. I think that little event is planned to happen Thursday after my cello lesson.

Today and yesterday, I've been working out in the yard, blowing leaves, stacking wood, and generally making my muscle-less arms really sore while setting to work with a pair of clippers. I managed to scare myself pretty badly as I was trimming up some vines that had somehow made it over the fence. I was almost done, so I was trying to hurry it up a bit and I was just hacking through at it, when I realized I had just unearthed a pretty large wasp nest. Red alert...abandon post...mmk, run. So I almost did...and then I realized I was standing right in front of a wood pile. So I almost tripped. But I didn't. I just hastened in a very un-graceful fashion. Anyway, I didn't get myself stung. Good stuff.

So tomorrow is my music lesson...not really sure what to expect from we'll see. Thursday is my cello lesson. It'll be interesting to try and fit that thing into Dad's dinky car. Oh well.

Anyway, I think that's gonna be the end of this post, 'cause I've got a headache that isn't really being helped by staring at a computer. So ta for now. =)


Anonymous said...

Much better, thank you! I talked to your teacher again. I got the impression these lessons with her are to help with composition, but she said to have you bring some of your voice music with you, too.

Shawna said...

duuude, POST already and not like you did for sierra and i know i know i havent posted in a few days but im sleeping right now so i cant