
I'm grumpy.

And I hate being grumpy. It makes me grumpier. And the worst part is, I don't even have a reason to be grumpy. I actually sang that song from the Oklahoma musical called "Oh What a Beautiful Morning" as I walked to the bus stop, even though it was cloudy, and hardly morning, considering the sun hadn't even started coming up.

Anyway, the only things I can think of that could've made me grumpy were

-Loftis and his "teaching"...honestly, lawyers shouldn't be allowed to teach anything.
-Clarissa and her incessant whiny voice asking me over and over again to help her with math problems that I hadn't even gotten to and then complaining when I couldn't. And then coming back for more help.
-Mr. Hoover and his fourth grade teaching methods. And this idiotic book called Into the Wild that I pretty much finished forever ago, but the class is only half-way done, so I'm not allowed to read my own book while they read.
-It was cloudy all day, but it didn't rain, which is always frustrating.
-I had a headache (but I'm pretty sure it was caused by Clarissa's voice. It's shrill. Kinda makes you wanna kill yourself.)

These are things that I encounter most days, but somehow, it made me really grumpy. And I'm having a hard time not being grumpy. And I still have homework to do. That's not helping at all. I kinda sorta want to just stay home tomorrow and sleep, but then I'd get all behind with assignments and I'd have to explain to everyone why I wasn't at school, and of course, sleeping in isn't a very good excuse, so I'd have to fancify it every time someone asked. I just don't have the energy for that.

Anyway, we're headed up to a Halloween get together at the Fleck's tomorrow night. Should be fun. And there will be sugar. (I know this, 'cause we're providing it =])So I'm gonna go finish homework now. And I'm gonna make brownies. Maybe they'll cheer me up.

Yup...just the thought is making me happy already!

Well, I hope mom lets me. I just made a batch the other day...


Kirstyn said...

PMS. Capitalize on it. Eat much of the chocolate.

Kara said...

lol, well I would, but its not.

Shawna said...

It really does work, just claim PMS for everything and ppl leave you alone and may even get you chocolate to get you to be quiet...

Anonymous said...

LOL! My girls -- the go-to PMS gurus!

I was grumpy, too. About the happiest part of the day was planting flowers -- which the deer will probably eat.

Unknown said...

aunt shirly i just got a nice chuckle. .....which the deer will probably eat. hahahaha

Franklin said...

sounds like fun over there! Its probobly the fall weather that is dismal and cold, and not your hormones, but i would'nt know.... :P

have a good day!