
Some days are stupid days

If only for the reason that I myself act stupidly. And today was one of those days. But oddly enough, I was only completely stupid once. But I've been thinking about how stupid of a stupid moment it was.

Anyway, I blame it on the fact that I didn't dress down for P.E. I met up with Joe (the only guy currently enrolled in 6th period Aerobics) as he came out of choir, and we walked to the girl's locker room, where I ran inside to ask Rhoden where we were going that day. (The wrestling gym where we normally go is being taken over by Freshmen for the time being. psh) Turned out, it was in the gym right next to the locker room, so I went out and informed Joe, and we very joyously walked the ten feet to the door (neither of us had been looking forward to going to the Ali Gym much). It was locked, so we stood outside and talked a bit, and then, he had to go and ask for my number. And, wuss that I am, I couldn't even come up with a good excuse NOT to give it to him! (I almost claimed to have forgotten, but again, I'm a wuss. I just can't do that to people. Gah.) So I typed it into his phone and, as is courtesy, gave him my phone to do the same. But I'm kinda thinking he got the wrong idea. So now I feel bad.

Anyway, aside from that, I had a pretty good day. Sat next to Kevin upon his request on the way home. It was a rare occurance...normally I sit with Laura, who happens to be his sis. I kinda blew up at a guy who sat behind us who kept messing with Kevin (he may be a Freshman, but he's MY freshman! lol). I almost called him a pedofile but settled for homo. He's just a creepy dude. And then Kevin asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I realized that I have no idea. I think I might just tell people (at school anyway) to make me cards. I feel bad getting Christmas presents from people I'm not related to.

Anyway, I got home and messed around on the puter for a bit. Showed Laura some really funny Jeff Foxworthy clips. And Achmed. It amazes me how many people haven't heard of him! And now I'm writing this. So I'm gonna head now. But you gotta watch this clip. It's pretty much hysterical.


Unknown said...

blame the stupid dial-up!! of course no viedos work and that one was no exception!!!

Kirstyn said...

Several solutions to the guy issue. First of all, you could have dialed your number into his phone wrong. Second of all, most girls tell it like it is, so males assume that when you're nice, you're interested. Manners do not enter the dating world. Point being: there was no need to offer to add his number to your phone.

Damage control: screen your phone calls. When he calls, hit 'Ignore' and it'll go straight to voicemail and he'll just think your phone is off. Guys don't like to leave voicemails. Leave your phone on vibrate, then if he asks why you didn't answer you can say it never rang, and you can add that you have really sketchy reception at home, which you do. If it's the home phone, have Mom answer it and say you're not available.

Have fun. Welcome to the world of- well, unwanted attention from males. :-)

Anonymous said...

Excuuuse me? Kirstyn, are you advocating LYING? Exactly WHERE did you learn that was okay?

Kara goofed by not saying something straight-forward but kindly in the first place. She should not COMPOUND the error by pretending the only problem is with her phone! She should tell him her mom won't let her! ;)

Shawna said...

kara, that video makes me cringe every time i see it :P and yet i keep on watching it, oh well. oh and welcome to the guy stage of life!! although i might be a bit jealous cause no guys at school ever asked for my number wether i liked them or not...

Kirstyn said...

There was NO lying involved in that. Sneakiness, yes. Lying, no.

And like telling him "Mom said no" is any different than screening her calls. It's just ignoring him in a different way.