

I promise, I'm not turning into one of those people who rant and rave about anything Obama/McCain, but there have been some things that just bugged me.

So I was checking my MySpace, since I have extra time this morning (yay for collaboration days!)and I was reading through the bulletins from yesterday that were posted after I went to bed, and, I kid you not, 80% of them were related to Obama's win. Some people were moaning and groaning about it, and others, well, you can guess that there was a little bit of gloating...

So I almost posted a bulletin telling 'em all to "shuddup", but I figured it would be safer to do it on here, where only a fraction of them will actually be able to read it.

Yup, I can definitely claim to a few common sense genes. Once in a while.

So as for my "Shuddup" rant, here goes.

Yes, Obama won. McCain lovers, stop whining. There's nothing you can do about it now. (There never really WAS anything to do about it, actually. It's not like you could run in and change all the votes around...) Obama people, yes, your guy won. Have your little moment of victory and then (ahem) "shuddup"! I am thoroughly fed up with listening to everyone's different views on everything, especially when those views are apparently the only thing that's even worth listening to, according to the mouth that's spewing them out at a rapid pace. Granted, there are a couple people who I actually enjoy talking with about this kind of thing, but they're few and far between, so I'd much rather just not. So McCain's old. Who cares? That means he's got more all-around experience than a lot of people. Obama's a smooth talker. Whether or not that's a good thing, we'll just have to wait and see, don'tcha think?

There's no point in fretting about what's gonna happen with Obama in the White House. What will happen, will happen, and there's nothing we do that's going to change the decisions he makes. So then what if he ends up like Bush? With people hating him for a decision we all thought was good in the first place but ended up not as beneficial as we thought? Everyone will automatically forget that it was them that voted him into office and that they all worshipped the ground he walked on while he was running (no pun intended).

Anyway, we'll just see what happens.

(How's that for anti-climatic?)


Anonymous said...

Can't you see Kara??????? How can you not obsess about this sort of thing???

:D but I do agree with you... i should probably be remembering that it's all in God's plan...

Lizzie said...

good for you Kara i totally agree all we can do is our part and the rest we wait and see...

Sierra said...

AHAHAHAHAHAH!! The yearbook staff enjoyed me reading this out loud lol. It was fairly entertaining!!

Anonymous said...

Know what, Kara? As cool as your new lay-out is, my elderly eyes are having a hard time reading the words.

Could you, y'know, um, get me some better glasses?

Kirstyn said...

Must agree that the boneheads who voted him into office will, in four years, be the same boneheads complaining about everything that's gone wrong.

Remember when Bush said the war in Iraq would NOT be a quick one, but everybody pushed for it anyway? Then they complained that it took so long.

Get a friggin' CLUE, people. Pardon my French.

Anonymous said...


What she said. :)

Kara said...

Kelly: yup, I pretty much agree with you. I was just trying to be unbiased for any democrats who might happen to read this lol.

Sierra: no one's gonna kill me, right? lol. at least they're all a state away. =)

Mom: well, you're the one with the pocket book and a car to get yourself down to WalMart for a new pair... =)

Kirstyn: EXACTLY!

Stephanie V said...

i agree with all you people some people just can never be satisfied so just tell then to shut up and deal