

Well, dad's officially home from his train trip. We went to his place a little early because of that, so we left ma's Friday after school. Spent a lovely Saturday doing nothing (that's actually what made it lovely). Dad asked me Sat night if I'd drive him to Santa Rosa Sunday to take pics of some houses (the life of a real estate agent isn't all too glamorous), 'cause he wasn't feeling good. I wasn't feeling to bad about not going until he mentioned that he'd pay me for it.

Oh dear, you poor thing....can I get you some asprin to take care of that cold?

So ya, I drove down to Santa Rosa Sunday morning. Pulled into the Burger King parking lot around 10, and went in to eat breakfast. We came back out half an hour later, only to realize that the car wouldn't start. Joyful. The rest of the day went as follows.

10:30- car wouldn't start. Dad begins pondering just what can be done to remedy the situation.

10:40- after walking around the parking lot looking for a place that sold car batteries, we run into a guy at an oil changing place that offered to give us a jump.

11:00- After many failed attempts at jumping it, the guy gives up and leaves.

11:05- an older guy from BK who had been watching our futile attempts to jump the car from the battery in the trunk (BMW's are odd cars), he informs us that you can also jump it from the front and we might have more luck that way.

11:15- Guy from the oil place comes back, having figured out the same thing that had just come to our attention. He attempts to give us another jump, but of course it doesn't work.

11:30- Guy gives up again, and leaves. Dad is on the phone for most of the duration with Carol, trying to figure out plan A's and B's and C's...

11:45- Dad calls a taxi to take us to a Kragen store down the road a couple miles.

11:55- taxi shows up.

12:10- We get to Kragen...I'm pretty sure that the driver took the long way around, to tell the truth.

12:20- We walk out of the store with a new battery and head back to BK.

12:40- Dad plugs in the new battery, and I try to turn the car on, but still no dice. Dad gives in and calls a tow truck. He is told it will take about 45 minutes.

1:30- Dad gets a call that the company has just found a tow truck to send for us. It'll be there in about 45 minutes.

2:15- Tow truck finally shows up and loads up the car to take us to the BMW dealership which is the only place that can work on it.

2:30- We get to the BMW place and hang around for a bit while dad fills out the form and drops off the keys and calls (yet another) taxi.

2:45- A turquoise Scion (the toaster car) pulls into the parking lot, and we're pretty surprised to realize it's our taxi.

3:00- We are checked into a hotel just a few minutes away, within walking distance of a few stores and a couple fast food restaurants. And there's officially nothing more to do.

We just bummed around for the rest of the day. I pretty much reached my all time high of movies watched in one day.

Anyway, we got a rental the next day and went around to go take pictures of those blasted houses. Got done 'round five ish and headed back home.

Yesterday was our Nevada County Choir Festival thing...We had our Concert choir, all of Bear River's choirs, and the choirs from the junior highs in the area. It wasn't very enjoyable on my part to have to listen to Bear River sing like the little kids...I mean, cute little kids singing all squealy is kinda cute, but once you pass about 6th grade, it's just not appealing. Aaaand that's all I'm gonna say 'bout that.

And today was Wednesday...a collab day, meaning we got to start at 8:20 instead of 7:25. It's good stuff. I got to go to school late. It was wonderful. But not really worth it. Collab days are kinda fun to get there on time and just hang around with friends for an hour before school. And, of course, finish unfinished homework...

Well I'm off. Apparently blogs have been stocking themselves up for me to read. I've gotta see if I can catch up on all of 'em.


Anonymous said...

Worked out pretty good to have your dad along for your first car break-down! Did he pay you by the hour? ;)