
I'm baaack....

So didja miss me or what? I definitely missed the 'puter. I went from Monday to today without even touching a piece of machinery with internet capability. But I broke down in the car and used ma's cell phone. I have arrived home since then, and am now using a computer with a FULL SIZED KEYBOARD! typing with my thumbs just didn't cut it. But it's amazing the things that you miss out on while cut off from your main source of communication. Like my friend went to the hospital with some mystery disease (she still hasn't emailed me back about WHAT exactly it was). Aparently that happened some time Monday after she left 3rd period. Go figure. The moral of this particular story is that I never want to be seperated from my loved ones again.

Don't go getting a big head. I'm talking about the computer. lol.

Anyway, had a pretty eventful Thanksgiving week. We met up with the Bartons at meeting Sunday evening and went to supper with them and pretty much everyone else there. (This was after I almost ran my mother's car into a tree stump backing out of my parking spot. Have you noticed she's been getting a little twitchy lately?) While there, we (meaning Sierra and me) plotted to kidnap me so i could go with them Tuesday instead of waiting until Wednesday. It definitely worked, but on the way up there, we overshot Oregon a little bit, and ended up in Washington. Lol...we had to drop off Allyson's boss's car, so the three of us made the trip and stayed there over night. During our stay I discovered the stupidity of drinking a full bottle of sparkling cider on your own. The reason being, any fizz that you don't burp back up...well, it's a killer stomach ache. Just trust me, and don't do it. Anyway, we got back just in time for the whole Turkey Day meal.

Turned out that those cousins of mine have some pretty strange traditions. One of them being their habit of dressing up for Thanksgiving dinner. But not really dressing up like you're prolly thinking. We went and dug through the attic, and I came downstairs wearing some sort of fairy dress and a wig made of red yarn that resembled some sort of Raggedy Anne doll with a really bad haircut. Pictures of that incident have been confiscated for everyone's safety...if you saw them, I'd have to kill you. Sorry. That's just how it is. =)

We all had a great time tho, playing a new credit card version of Life...lotsa fun. Headed home Sunday morning. Definitely an awesome Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

Mynewt witchmak es itsort ahardto typego. od