
Livin' on the edge

I have officially done something illegal. I drove without taking the driving lessons that actually validate my permit. Got to drive the whole two miles to meeting, then to Auburn (where we went shopping...woot!), then home from gosple meeting. I'm proud to say that I didn't hit a thing. =) Aren't you proud of me? I am.

Anyway, I woke up at 7:30 this morning, after dreaming that I was actually going to go to Ireland...Realized that I really really want to go, no matter how sure I am that it's not going to happen. I'll just make my friends take a whole bunch of pictures and stuff, I guess. So I got up and worked on Sierra's blanket for quite a while (looks awesome so far, btw) and got ready for meeting around 9 or so. We left at quarter after ten...meeting lasted half an hour.

Dropped off an older lady at her house, rather than make her son come out to get her, stopped by home for lunch, and set out again for Auburn where we ran by Styles For Less looking for some clothes for Steph. She walked out with a very cute dress and a jacket. I held two bags containing two sweaters, two tank tops, a pair of boots, a duster, and a pair of jeans. So we tried Ross. She managed to find a pair of jeans, two dresses and a sweater. I got two more dresses and a t-shirt. I almost got two t-shirts, but decided that I should restrain myself a little bit. It was a whole bunch of fun.

Gosple meeting was great. John Vandenburg showed up for some reason and spoke for the second half of the meeting. I love how he speaks. I could honestly listen to him for hours. I was pretty disappointed when we had to walk out of there. Except that I got to drive. That made it a little better.

Anyway, Laura's coming over tomorrow. Pretty excited. I asked ma if she could bring her bro too, but she vetoed that. I think she got the idea that things would be exciting enough with just the two of us. Anyway, we're gonna make cookies and cinnamon rolls. If we have time, maybe danishes. I dunno. They take time.

Found a new book recently, reviewed by the Barton clan...called Garlic and Sapphires by Ruth Reichl. Good book. Read it now. =)


Anonymous said...

It never seems to get less odd to see someone referred to as 'ma' in a person's writing, and then to realize it is *me* to whom it is referring. Not sure why that is.

My knuckles are no longer white, and my stomach has finally quit churning. Want to drive some more tomorrow, love? ;)

Anonymous said...

Illegal? Gasp! For shame, Kara! (JK JK)

That shopping sounds fun... I LOVE ROSS! We don't have too many of them here in the east, but there's an equivalent. It's amazing.

I love it when there's a speaker like that! We just got a new worker in our field who speaks wonderfully (I think that's a word)

Nice post!

Sierra said...

It is a WONDERFULLY AMAZING book! No joke it makes you eat like crazy and crave weird things but I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

Kirstyn said...

Your shopping habits are disturbingly like mine... That's fine if you have money and don't care about your future.

Take a note from yer wise older sister-- stick a chunk in savings every time you get paid for something, and then you can spend the rest of it without guilt. Trust me, it's worth it.

Unknown said...

that book kara is great!!