
Miners vs Bulldogs (I think...)

That was the football game last night. The second one I've gone to this year, and the third one ever. Kinda sad. But who cares.

Anyway, at lunch on the big screen in the cafeteria they played clips of last Friday's game. Laura and I very much enjoyed sitting and laughing at all the guys as they got tackled again and again in slow mo. After that was over another clip was played of this guy walking around campus asking random kids if they knew what the Vaccaville mascot was. Some of the answers were:

The Vaccaville Vacuums (Thank you Tyler)
The Whales
The Cows
The Flamingos

There were some others too, but they were all really generic. But apparently they were the Bulldogs (which, btw, is the most commonly used mascot in the US. You just learned something!) So anyway, that entertained us too.

The game itself was a lot of fun. I got to know some more choir people, which is always a good thing...there may be a ton of people in choir, but if you don't know any of them it doesn't do you much good. So I hung around with Chelsea and Larissa and Adam and Ryan until the guys had to go off and sing the National Anthem. When they got back, me, Chelsea and Adam went off to find a seat and accidentally ditched Ryan. (We didn't realize he wasn't following us and by the time we did he was waaay behind us. We didn't see him again for the rest of the game. He's prolly gonna give me grief for that in Chem on Monday.) We ended up grabbing a bench on the visitor's side, which was fine by me. I think Adam got a little embarrassed when Chelsea and I started the "Oooh aah, you wish you were a Miner" chant all on our lonesome. In defense, it wasn't our fault that we were the only ones cheering...

Then Larissa showed up, and Christine, and a girl named Sarah with too much energy, and her friend, who's in choir as well, but her name isn't really coming to mind. It doesn't really matter tho. The more people we had there, the warmer we got, so there were no complaints anywhere. Well, except from Adam. I had lent him my blanket 'cause he was cold, but all he did was wrap it around his hands, hunch over and say "I'm freezing!". I suggested he use his pockets, but he seemed to think that that might ruin his dignity or something. Go figure.

The people who sat in front of us were pretty entertaining too. This one fat guy was sitting right in front of me, and since those benches were pretty skinny, you can guess that half of his flab was hanging over on my side of the bench. That made it kinda hard to move without jabbing my knees into his back, so i tried to keep movement to a minimum. After a while, tho, he started leaning against mine and Sarah's knees. After seeing if she noticed it too (she did), I leaned forward, tapped on the guy's shoulder and said "Excuse me sir, you're invading my bubble". So he said something along the lines of "Well you keep moving around back there...could you scoot back at all?" (except not that politely). As if we hadn't already tried. Apparently he didn't notice that we had people behind us in the same situation. Except we weren't fat! Blame officially lands on his shoulders. Heaven knows they're big enough to handle it!

Anyway, that was most of the game excitement. Except Adam had this ring with PMC written on it, and after a little while of trying to guess what it meant, we asked him. And he wouldn't tell us! So we spent quite a while on it. Didn't get it, but over obsessive freak that I am, I looked it up today, using the hints he had given us. The P is an adjective, and ends with a T, and the M and C both end with R. The only answer that fit was Past Master Councilor. I can't wait to see if I'm right. 'cause it's been driving me completely crazy!


Sierra said...

i think they should have been the cows....

Shirley said...

Part Man/Child