
Some new favorite quotes

But before I get to them, I've gotta point something out. Just as I was about to click on the "Add Post" button, I noticed this little dohickey in the corner of the page that said "You have four followers".

Heck...I could be my own religion. Tell your friends!

Well, on to the quotes. These came about through a combination of English a week or two ago, and the Bumper Sticker's application on MySpace. Don't judge's just my weakness. =)

"The man fell from the 12th story window and hit the ground below like a Hefty bag filled with vegetable soup." (Let that one sit in your head for a little

"He was as tall as a six foot three inch tree." (Sierra, this could work for you too, but you'd be a three foot shrub. lol...jk)

"Gramps still had a mind like a steel trap, although now it more closely resembled a steel trap that had rusted shut with time."

"I dream of a world where a chicken can cross the road without having his motives questioned."

"You're a great friend, but if the zombies chase us, I'm tripping you."

"I'm not so great at the advice; can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?"

"Don't follow in my footsteps. I run into walls."

"Of course women don't work as hard as men...we get it right the first time!"

"Congratulations; your incredible wit and biting sarcasm...they have slain me. I am dead." (This one would be funnier still if you could see the pic that went with it.)

"Disney gave me unrealistic expectations about men"

"A clean house is a sign of a wasted life."

"I refuse to have a battle of wits with someone who is unarmed." (yup, that's officially a golden oldie)

"Raising a teenager is like nailing jello to a tree."

"Girls can do anything boys can, but we can do it in heels." (That one's just for you, Kirstyn)

"If people were meant to pop out of bed in the morning, we'd all sleep in toasters."

"Pale is the new tan"

"Vegetarian: the Indian word for 'bad hunter'"

Finally...a blond joke...

Why did the blond climb over the glass wall?

So she could see what was on the other side!

I'm sorry for that one. I truly am.


Kirstyn said...

Okay, so a bunch of these are basically awesome. Now I need somewhere to use them...

Anonymous said...

Are you really my daughter? Where did you come from?

Shawna said...

yee hee hee, id forgotten about that indian one. ive been putting a quote of the day on one of the papers at work, im so going to use that!!

Sierra said...

hahahaha those are awesome!!

Anonymous said...

funny stuff Kara. I think . . .I didn't understand any of them, but I am sure they are funny. Oh, I must be the old guy with a rusted steel mind . . .hmmmm gonna go sit and ponder that one and see if I rust to the seat too.

Sierra said...

Nasty gram incoming!!!!! You need to update cause Im bored and you make me laff lol.