
...And my happy mood gets rubbed off on...

...Anyone that reads this. But only if moods can be rubbed off on them easily. It's a pretty small thing that's got me happy, which is odd, cause just this morning, i wasn't in a great mood cause Shawna decided that she didn't wanna drive a bunch to see me. I've been telling her that she should, but anyway...

My good mood actually started last night because of Special Mtg tomorrow. Of course, it was dented a little when that little birdy Shawna ran into my windshield of happiness.(i'm not sure if that made sense to you, but it did to me, so live with it. maybe you'll figure it out tonight, really late, after you've spent hours awake with it on your mind. If you figured it out immediately, well, congrats, you just ruined my day all over again)It's just that there are not many kids my age around here. Grr. There go another couple hundred bugs hitting my windshield...and a rock. Great. Bird guts, remnants a la buggies, and a crack to top it all off. GAH! I'm putting myself in a bad mood again. It's all shawna's fault.

Then, today, we were going to go out to breakfast and look at rentals since we have to move over Thanksgiving break. We ended up going to supper and looking at a couple houses on the way there, and a couple on the way back. The first house we looked at was pretty nice. I was all for it. But we went and looked at (or should i say looked FOR) a couple other houses, and then went to supper at a new resteraunt in town. It was in the same building that Lyon's used to be in, but it's a sports bar and all that junk. So we walk in, and the first two things i noticed were that the busboys were at least 2 years younger than me, and the ground was completely covered in peanut shells. EEEEWWW!!! I was grossed out. Mom and Steph had no problem with it, but seriously, u never know who has had those in their mouths, and they get stuck to the bottom of your shoes and...just...EEEWWW!!! The actual food wasn't that great either. So we got out of there, and decided to go look at (again, more like looked FOR) a couple more houses. The last one was one just down the road from Union Hill, which in my noble opinion is one of the preppiest schools around (that may just be because their volleyball team beat ours on my birthday last year. I was majorly ticked). We waited for the owner to show up, and then took a tour. It turns out that we may actually get that house, which is great for many reasons, some of which being:

1)I wouldn't have to leave until about 6:45 to catch the bus, instead of 6
2)Steph could get herself to school if she had to (she's probably going to Union Hill, so my view of it will probably have to change =P)
3)I would probably get my own room
4)We would get to keep Buddy

So that's why I'm happy, ladies and germs. Well, tata for now
