
Billy the Brat

Once upon a time, Billy the Brat was born to parents that didn't love him enough. So, he decided that when he grew up, he wouldn't have any kids, he would just drive a bus so that he could torment other kids by being the crabbiest bus driver that lived. So he did just that. Fifteen years into his career, he got assigned the number 27 bus at the local high school. On that bus rode many boys and girls, some of which being Kara, Katherine, Laura, Sarah, and many other girls, along with a lot of smack-talking boys who will remain nameless. So, Smack boys were talking in back of the bus, yet again, as always. Then their topic switched to the two girls sitting in front of us. Very audibly, too. So, the girls in question got really really ticked, and started throwing it right back, literally, Because later, the guys started throwing stuff at them (the girls had started ignoring them and the guys were tired of being ignored)and the girls just chucked it right back. That wasn't so great, because it hit one of the guy's gilrfriends, and she got ticked too. So, when the girlfriend got off, she slammed her backpack into the head of the girl who threw the pen. So the thrower of the pen kicked the shover of the backpack square in the buttocks. Talk about glares. So, about half the people involved in all of the above got written up. That made us twenty minutes late to our stop. Then when we finally did get there, and Billy decided that the rebel children needed some seats assgined to them. None of the rebel children agreed, but we didn't have any choice in the matter, so seats were assigned. That took another really long time, but i'm not sure how long it was. I just know that i was mucho ready to get off of that bus. So we did, a long while later. Then, I went home. But Billy the Brat was never vanquished. That shall have to happen another day.

The End