
it's 5 thirty bloody six in the morning...

oy! this is driving me crazy. i should probably start from the beginning, cause to just say that i'm running on 4 hours of sleep, and that we were supposed to leave about 40 minutes ago, but we have to wait for the parental control tower's ok, when that parental control tower isn't actually manned until about 7, would just confunse you, right? thought so.

so remember the last time i went to gramma's? probably not, cause i don't think that i posted about it. but while we were there, i heard about chantal and brandon's expedition back up to oregon with a tiny little car let here by our crippled cousin a while ago. of course, i wanted to be a part of the action, so i asked if i could go. everything seemed to work out perfectly in my favor. but mom still wasn't too ken on me going. somehow, i managed to become part of the crew. it was pretty spiffyish.

so last night, we had a big deali-bop at dad's house, during which every kid in the house got bored (and there were 12) until we managed toget dad to let us watcha movie. so we watched forrest gump until 9:30, and then left. we had to stop by brandon's house for him to get some clothes and it was there that i found out that brandon is a "compulsive nervous packer". and he's a girl. i had to borrow one of carol's suitcases, the ones that have a hard time making it onto a plane, and his is pretty much way bigger than mine. oy. so we got out of there at 10:30. gah. then we stopped at a gas station, where Chantal finally discovered that you have to pay before the gas pump will start. she stood there just clicking the thingy until brandon and i came back from getting our energy drinks, and brandon helped her. we were on our way after that. finally. we listened to Spirit on the way down, but brandon didn't like not being in charge of the stereo, so he turned on his cellphone and started playig ringers full blast...and singing with them. oy. we got to gramma's house around 11 or 11:30. then we stayed up until 12:30 talking (one of the things talked about was chantal's now famous quote, "he who stands on toilet is high on pot". it was one of the funniest things said...ever. it helped that it was really late i suppose...) and trying to figure out our plans for travel today.we never really got anything figured out, because:

1)brandon forgot his mtg clothes

2)the complications of an unmanned parental control tower (we had to call aunt sharon to clarify any plans we made, but it was midnight thirty, and she would've gotten ticked if we called her that late...or early)

3)we all wanted to go to bend, and we (or maybe it was just me)were trying to fit that into our plans.

4)we couldn't decide whether to get a nice early start, or wait until after morning meeting, because of obstacle #2

anyway, we decided that we would wake up this morning at 5, and drive 10 hours to get to gosple mtg in stayton. that plan got shot down...after we woke up this morning. this was an added annoyance for me, because it had taken me 2 hours out of the 4 that we had to get to sleep, and so veryone was telling me to just go back to sleep. not gonna happen people! so now, it is 5:56 in the morning, and i'm sitting here writing a blog about unmanned control towers, and trip plans that should've been made ages ago. grr.

so we're all gonna get up (and by we, i mean that i'm gonna wake up the other two) at around 7, and call aunt sharon to see what we should do. (i'm still rooting for bend, if anyone cares. if we went there, we would get to stay at shawna's appartment for a while and take a break from driving, then go to meeting before we drove two more hours. that way, we don't have to sit for 10 hours, then go to meeting, and then drive the rest of the way to the barton's place...

...stupid unmanned parental control towers.