
Tuesday Night Mtg

It's odd, but we had Tuesday night mtg tonight. I think it's because of halloween tomorrow, but anyway, there were nine ppl there, which meant that the mtg only lasted half an hour. It never ceases to amaze me, that even with that small amount of people, we manage to talk after meeting for at least another fifteen minutes. It never fails. It was odd this time, though. it was just random conversation. first, kieth mentioned that he had barely been able to see my head when i came through the door. sure, i was wearing heels, but they barely qualify as elevators, which is what they were referred to as. They were one of my smaller sets of heels. only about an inch and a half or two. not bad at all. and definately not elevators. maybe mini stilts if you wanna exaggerate, but still...

then we somehow got onto the topid of us moving, and the dates that we were going to move. (this was after we spent 5 minutes talking about how tall various members of our family were in comparison to me and steph and mom)then bobby offered to lend us his trailer, and help out with the moving process, so that we wouldn't have to hire movers, but when we told him the date, he replied that he was having surgery on his arm the moday before that, but we were still welcome to his trailor if we wanted it, and if he could help, he would. (at least it was something along those lines. i don't remember exactly)then keith said "ya, he can still do a lot of pointing with that other arm of his." so everyone laughed, and bobert said, "it would still be cheaper than hiring people to do it. you give kieth some money, and me some money, then rent a truck, and it's about $40 less than hiring some movers" and mom said, "well, you would only get paid half, cause you only have one arm to work with." more laughing. we talked more...and more...and more...and somewhere in there, Kieth called Bob Pauncho, and Bob called Kieth Kimosabe. It was much funny to see two men, both over 50, calling names. and they were good names, too. don't be surprised if you hear me using them sometime in the near future. along with wouldjacouldjaawcomeonyousaidyouwouldjadon'tchuwannahuh? that is one of the coolest things i've ever heard. anyway, ttfn
