
you think i would learn...

...that it works a lot better to actually write a blog more than once a week, so that i don't have to write all of these super long ones. But we both know that's never gonna happen. I've been pretty busy lately, if you wanna call it that. So after I got home from Oregon Thursday (which, may i add was the dumbest ride ever. It was boring beyond all belief.)I went home...and played the computer, and slept. Thus, the rest of my week played out. We went to Special Mtg sunday, and as predicted, there were no kids my age besides some of the kids in Brandon's posse. So I got to hang around awkwardly. But I ended up hanging out with a girl that i met at convention a couple years ago. It wasn't the smartest thing to do, though, because we spent the second meeting talking instead of taking notes. Oopsy-daisies.

Monday...School, with a minor downside. We had a sub for choir, and linda wasn't there, so we had social hour. it wasn't all that fun, 'cause i had been looking forward to doing something fun, and i hadn't been able to. I haven't heard any more about whether or not i'm playing the piano duet with linda on white christmas, so i'm kinda guessing it's not gonna happen. Well, that's one less piece that i have to work on.

Tuesday, school again. This time we did have choir, and we sang songs, like choirs do. We also heard a piece that Chanticlare (i have no idea how to spell that) did. it was really cool. The soprano parts were crazy high, especially when we found out that the whole group that was singing was guys. oy. talk about creepy. later, Baggot said, "Don't worry, none of them had been castrated." We all cracked up.

Wednesday (that's today) i ended up ditching school to go to my great-uncle's funeral. it was boring. i don't get the point of funerals. But seeing as I had to go whether or not it made sense, i made the best of it, and smiled and nodded whenever i was introduced to another relative that i wasn't aware i was related to. So, i guess that's all now.
