
An interesting evening

It was an interesting evening, that night in late October. (you'll notice that my last blog, or at least one of the recent ones was in fairy tale form. this is my attempt at a corny mystery)A single mom and her two children left the park and drive at meadow vista, and turned their car down the freeway in the eastern direction. They arrived at Applebee's not long after, but in that amount of time, they had a discussion as to whether or not to eat first, and then go grocery shopping, or vice versa. Of course, they chose the obvious choice, and went to feed their ravenous mouths. They arrived at the resteraunt at precicely 7:17 and 21 seconds. They were seated at a super-spiffy tall table with prime TV viewing access. The tall ravishing red-head sat directly across from the main TV, with her slightly shorter and blonder sister sitting to her immediate left, and her mother across from her. For the first 10 minutes of their stay, there was random conversation around the table, mostly consisting of the older sister telling the other inhabitants of the table what to get, so that she could eat some of their food and have some of everything that she wanted. It was all for naught, however, because the little sister would not share much of her orange chicken bowl without hawking some mashed potatoes from the other, and the mother ordered something involving shrimp. That particular dish was immediately excluded as edible be the eldest daughter.

Although each only ordered water, you may have thought that they had each had more than their fair share of alcohol for the night. As the mother tried to teach her daughter how to say wouldja-couldja-aw-come-on-you-said-you-wouldja-don'tju-wanna-huh? It took the not very bright recipient of instructions a very long time to learn how. eventually the mother resorted to speaking slower than a cross between a turtle and a snail would move. A while after that, the daughter managed to catch hold of it. (I'm told that the first few minutes of the ride back home were full of the girl repeating that phrase until it became very annoying to the other two family members, but you didn't hear it from me)Soon, enough, it was almost time to leave, but first the mother had to tell her daughters a story about what had happened early on in the week. her parents and older brother had stopped by to spend the night thursday nite. With them, they brought a pie from the local resteraunt. It seems that this pie was a very good one, especially to the brother, who scarfed a piece down after a very big meal that evening. The next morning, as the mother was getting ready to leave, they all came out to say their last goodbye's, and to have breakfast. The brother, had gotten out a bowl of cereal (bran, of the rasin variety)and had poured the milk into it, when he decided that he wanted a piece of pie on top of it. Literally. The next thing the mother saw was the big piece of pie, mashed down into the cereal, creating some sort of pukey purple mess that not many ppl would be forced to eat. But he, did, and when asked how it tasted, he replied "Well, it's not as good as you might think..."As the mother told this story, tears were coming to her eyes, and i could not tell if it was from pity, or from the difficulty of talking while she was laughing as hard as she was. Either way, both of the children were laughing as hard as i had ever seen anyone before.

They left moments later, Which made that the end of my report. Just one more thing, The turkey bacon cibatta sandwich is one of the best there.