
Just a little thought.


Amazing stuff.

But only if it's made right. Sauce that's only on top is just wrong. I kid you not. It tastes way wrong.

So sauce mixed in. Keep that in mind.

With ketchup on top. Gotta have the ketchup. Along with the face parmesean to go on top. Together, you can make your spagetti as dry or soupy as you want it.

So add ketchup and fake parmesean as desired.

But then there's always that problem of your mouth turning orange because of the sauce and/or ketchup.

So keep a stack of napkins on hand. Good things.

Anyway, that just sums up into "Spagetti is awesome if it's prepared correctly."

That, ladies and gents is the truth. And the thought for the day.


Blogging to avoid boredom

But it'll catch up with me anyway.

So today was perfectly boring. No one (quite literally) was in class 6th period...except me. So I actually worked on that 300 word essay (pretty lame length for an essay...more of a note if you ask me) and of course I finished it. I think it's pretty cool. It's about Mrs. Mc...pretty much the all in one teacher...taught second, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth. Pretty impressive.

So hmm...had a test today in math. The last question I most definitely got wrong. The rest I did okay on.

Nothing exciting in choir today for some reason.

Had to write a timed essay in History today about the changes that were made in Europe due to the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution. You'd think that since we've been studying that particular period for about a month now, I'd know what in the world I was talking about. But since I generally don't study, I didn't know what I was talking about so I just fudged my way through it. I hope he gives me extra points for having all five paragraphs and using some sources too. I thought I did pretty good for not having a book, or notes, or enough time. I needed someone to reattatch my arm after it fell off though.

Not pleasant.

There was Hawaiian pizza today for lunch. Made my day.

Dad woke up late this morning...also made my day, because I thought I would get to miss the bus and be driven to school. But no, dad drove like a maniac, and even though we left five minutes late, we got there two minutes early. Lame-o.

I have just realized that I wrote this blog backwards. Generally, days start with the waking up and END in math. I guess I'm just a little off my rocker.

lol...Forget that. The whole rocker just flipped over!


25 completely random things about me

I would honestly love to know where this thing started but it's currently all over FaceBook, and since I recently acquired one, well, I was exposed. So here goes...

25 Things About Me

1. I generally drink my drinks without ice, because it gets in the way and makes my teeth cold. The only exception is when then drink I'm drinking is supposed to be cold and isn't.

2. I think people should come with blinkers. And they should use them while walking down the sidewalk at school.

3. I hardly ever eat breakfast, and when I do, its generally just a bag of chips from the vending machine. Harvest Cheddar Sunchips. =)

4. FaceBook scares me.

5. I don't like practicing things unless I'm already good at them. Slightly ironic, I know, but that's why I won't be good at cello for quite a while.

6. I have never used my cell phone to make more than a 5 minute call. I text.

7. Nicknames are, for the most part, strictly forbidden. This includes Carrot Soup. And Wench, unless you happen to be Shawna whereupon it will only be allowed once in a very great while.

8. I sleep under about 5 blankets no matter how hot it is outside, just because I like the weight of them. My bed also has 5 pillows on it, just because I like them there. I only use one at a time.

9. My life revolves around my ability to procrastinate.

10. I eat ranch on everything except salads. Salads require Thousand Island.

11. I sleep more than is probably healthy. There have been weekends where I was asleep more than I was awake. Then going back to school the next week, I would indulge in several naps. I think I must be a teenager.

12. I tend to scare my mother with my driving. I blame the older two sisters that wore down her courage while they were learning to drive.

13. Even with a 3" binder full of music, I often run out of stuff to play, because I get tired of it really fast.

14. I can't cook. I have ruined Mac'n'cheese. And once I put a bowl of Ramen in the microwave without water. But I make cookies. And brownies from a box. =)

15. I got an A in AP World last symester even though I got D's on virtually every test.

16. Vanilla ice cream is da bomb.

17. I know about 20 people in the choir of 100+ kids. And I see them every day. Maybe I'm just not social.

18. I could live on Crunchwraps. With no tomato or sour cream, add extra nacho cheese. Amazing stuff.

19. I dress to match my backpack. But only occasionally.

20. The chickens we had when was little scared the bejeebers out of me.

21. I considered many times running away and living in the pasture. In a fully furnished tree house that I would build myself, of course.

22. I'm world class when it comes to losing card games, especially to people that I've just taught the game to.

23. Taking off my sweatshirt is often just too big of a hassle, so you will often see me walking around with it on in 80+ degree weather.

24. I post too many survey/quiz things on MySpace. But most of you already know that.

25. Jumping out at people from behind corners is one of the many things I do to keep myself entertained.

Anyway, that's my list.

And a funny story...So I went to go get breakfast this morning (from the vending machine...duh...didn't you read number 3?). I dropped in my dollar twenny-five and punched in the letter number combo for my bag of chips. Now let me tell you something about these school vending machines. No matter how badly you want what you have just paid for, the thing won't always give it to you. And it mocks you too. Sometimes it'll drop whatever you wanted, let it fall for half a second, and then, somehow, trap it, in such a way that there is no real possible way to get it out.

You can guess what happened to me.

I spent a good five minutes alternately ramming the thing trying to get the bag dislodged and sitting on the floor trying to reach far enough into the thing that I could turn the bag just enough to let it fall down. Laura, meanwhile, stood there and laughed at me. The sad thing was, I could actually touch the bag, but i couldn't get a grip on it to turn it around. A couple of people came along trying to get stuff out of it, and they very nicely coordinated their purchase so that they got something directly above my bag of chips in an effort to knock it down. But no. Neither the gummy bears or the rice crispy thing worked, although the gummy bears got stuck for a second on TOP of my bag. Anyway, the girl who got the rice crispy thing gave it to me because she apparently didn't even want it, so my breakfast this morning was actually cereal. In a marshmallow-y form. Pretty tasty. =)


Another school day...

Except it was a little interesting. It rained for one, and I'm pretty sure that everyone reading this is well aware of my shoe situation. If not, let it simply be said that though I own 20 some pairs of shoes, not one of them is waterproof.

So needless to say, I walked to school in the rain, and my feet were soaked through by the time the bus pulled up. And today was the one day I wished that the classes were longer. I would almost be dryed out and thawed by the end of the class, and then have to go walk in the rain again. Love rain, hate being wet. Especially when my jeans figured out a way to soak themselves six inches up my legs. How in the world...?

We had a course preview day today...something that only happens once a year, which in itself makes it a special day, but really, it was especially special because the periods were shorter. Between second and third period we all got to go around to different classes and preview the electives that would be given next year. So I went and sat in the choir room and listened to Baggett's speel about how cool choir was...except he was really just preaching to the choir...'cause all the kids in there the first session were choir kids. Yup. I'm the master of puns, are I not? So then Chamber did their bit and sang some of their songs. Three of them were ones that Kirstyn sang while in choir eons ago. So I sang along a little. We even got to hear the fruitcake song again, which was the highlight of my day. Someone, who shall remain nameless (but if you've read many of my past blogs you'll realize this is another you-know-who story), thought that since this was the last time they would have to sing the song, he would screw with it...just a little bit. So when they sang the part about fruitcake, he yelled it. And when the tenors started did he. I was muchly amused.

Sixth period, my good buddy Brittney noticed just how soaked my shoes were, so she insisted she find a way to dry them over the little portable heater in McD's office. I warned her that they would stink to high heaven, but she just replied that she couldn't smell anything. So she grabbed my umbrella, wrapped a couple rubber bands around it and attatched those to the buckles on my shoes, and propped it in between a trash can and the computer modem. It worked pretty well, in both drying out my shoes and smelling up the place. Brittney left after a while, leaving me and poor Jake (who was trying to sleep) to smell the horrer of the shoes. She left the office door open when she left, too, becuase the class was out at the comp lab, leaving no reason to close it. When the bell rang, two TA's walked in as I was going out and definitely started gagging. I left lickety split. Yup. That was my sixth period excitement.

Seventh period...math...we're working on this math problem that's taking absolutely forEVER, because no one in my group (including me) knows how to do it. We got a fair amount of help from Bishop yesterday, and got part A done, but we ran into another wall of ignorance on part B today, and couldn't do squat with it without more help. So we raised our hands and hoped that Bishop wouldn't be too busy answering other people's questions. He doesn't seem to realize that his priorities SHOUld lie with us...Anyway. So after 10 minutes of watching him just walk past us to talk to other people, we decided that the best way to get his attention would be to pull out my deck of cards and start playing palace. This, without fail, manages to draw him over like a moth to a flame. Usually, he likes to pretend to take them away from us unless we get some work done, so we haggle with him (i.e. two problems and then back to the cards), and then realize that there isn't enough time to DO two problems anyway, so we're sunk. That's usually. Today, he didn't even look at us once! Even when we started using our telepathic persuasion-y powers to make him look in our direction. He finally saw us about five minutes before class ended.

Well, I did get a little done, anyway. I managed to lose two games of palace within fifteen minutes and get really annoyed with Patty for every single card when we played BS.

So I was kinda sorta productive...


mmk...gonna go check the brownies now.



No More Funny Stories...Yet.

Back to school tomorrow, so there will undoubtedly be more.


Got back from the ski thing yesterday night. It was actually pretty fun. Friday night was hosted at the senior Nelsons...that would be Dan's parents...Hannah and Brady's grand's. Food consisted of taco salad or wetbacks or something like that. It was really good. Us kids kept ourselves entertained by thinking of games to play that involved a lot of noise. Taylor and Blake (quote) "tickled the ivories" for a while after I got done playing the only two songs I've got memorized. Then everyone broke ranks and headed off to the gender-specific houses...meaning Nelson's for the girls and Bergh's for the guys. Some of the overflow went to the VDM's. Thankfully there wasn't much overflow this year...there were about 34 people there instead of 60 like last year.

Saturday morning everyone headed off to go skiing around 7:30. Me and Katie Evans waited behind for an hour or so to go with Karen, who was bringing food, because we weren't skiing anyway, so there was no point in going early. We got there around 10. Apparently the snow was more ice than anything else, so there were about 20 stretchers being hauled in behind snow mobiles. Only two of the casualties were ours...Brenda VanDenBerg and Julia something or another. Both with broken wrists. They got hauled off to the ER in their ski clothes and cardboard splints. There were about 8 other kids in the same condition ahead of them, so they were gone for quite a few hours. They even got to sign the wall of fame of people who broke their wrists while snowboarding.

We left around four and went to Berghs for the bonfire. That only lasted a few hours. Someone got the bright idea to head out for Little Caesar's where the pizza's are only $5 each. So they got fifteen. All but 3 disappeared completely, mostly thanks to some of the guys who decided to just take their own box. All that greasy cardboard fed the fire pretty well, though, when the wood ran out. I ended up going back up to the house a little early because my headache chose that moment to come back. But that's all right. I just sat on the couch and petted the dog and listened to the adults talk.

Meeting Sunday morning was pretty monstrous. Again, not as big as last year's, but it still hit close to 60 people. And it was pretty teary for some reason. There was definitely a box of tissues being passed around.

Lunch was at the VDM's after meeting. Pasgetti and bread and salad. Good stuff. Then b-day cake for Joey. And ice cream.

Then whoever hadn't left at that point went of to gosple meeting. It was Dan's last meeting...I have no idea why, but he's going to North LA and we're getting Dale Schultz. I'm kinda bummed. Dan was really cool. I guess we'll see him again at conventions. Which start in May!! I'm pretty excited.

Arright...well I guess that's it for the weekend. Today wasn't all that exciting. I swept and mopped the floor, straightened the cook books, and then we went and saw Bride Wars. It was good but I still really wanna see Seven Pounds. Grocery shopping afterwards, during which I invested in a few new DVDs. And then I got a Crunchwrap. And now I'm home typing. And I think I'm done now. So ta.


Weekend in Advance

So I actually AM going skiing, contrary to what I thought yesterday. Except that I'm not really going skiing...I'm just going with the ppl going skiing, because, 1)I stink at it, and 2)I'm still getting over being sick. It's all good though, because this way I won't spend a ton of dad's money lol.

Anyway, I made it through the day today...I had to go home after first period yesterday 'cause my crumby meter was way up. So I went home and slept. It was lovely.

Lets for today...

found out that the librarian has one foul bad mood. I think she's bipolar. She definitely refused to check a book out to me because i have three out that are a little over-due. (by a little, I mean November-ish...) Anyway...I went back in later to drop off some other books, and she was as cheery as could be, and thanked me and everything. I think she may have told me to have a good day too.

Bipolar much? Methinks so. Or maybe it's just 'cause the other librarian wasn't there today to cheer her up.

Sixth period turned out to be pretty uneventful. But fun anyway. It's kinda funny, because it doesn't take much for the whole class to be absent. ("Oh dear...we've got three absences today. I guess I don't have to teach...") Anyway, it was only me and Brittney there. Me and Brittney - Kelly and Jake (Newbie)= a very different day. Kelly tends to be the talker, and Jake just sits in the corner doing homework or something.

Just for Sierra, I acquired another Adam story.

Again, in choir. We had just finished going through this Spanish song that we had gone through a grand total of twice before singing it as a group. The guys had ended all together on a C...which is actually relevant to the story believe it or not. Baggett said "You know, that would sound really good if you basses could hit a low C" in, an octave below...ya know. Linda played it for them. Hearing this, Adam was not pleased. His upper lip met his nose and his eyebrow became one with his hairline as he exclaimed..."That's disGUSting!" in the most disgusted tone I have ever heard.

That may have been a "you had to be there" moment, but I was still laughing about it on the bus ride home.


I'm sorry, I just HAVE to share more funnies.

At least one more funny.

And it involved the person that creates half the humor in my daily life lately. Adam is up to bat yet again.

Passing period 2/3...I was heading to my locker (for some aminal crackers...I forgot to eat breakfast) and Adam was heading from his locker to what I assume was English. He paused, looked me up and down and said, "We match!"

Shore 'nuff. Choir sweatshirt and jeans. Just about as casual as I get. And him, too, apparently. I laughed and headed for my crackers again.

Choir...Well, after choir, really. I was leaving, he was waiting for everyone to clear out. He looked at me again and declared "You have to change."

Pah-ha. I took off my sweatshirt for lunch, simply because it was stinkin' hot (wow!) where Laura and I were sitting. Of course, I had to put it back on afterwards, so that I could go up to Adam and tell him that we're not quite matching, 'cause my shoes kicked his shoes butts.

He replied that I was splitting hairs, and I should just hurry along.


Mmk...cello practicin' now.




I actually did something productive today. (grin) Proud of me? And it wasn't even something I completely procrastinated on, either! Well, actually I did, because I've known about it since September, and it's due on Thursday. But still, two days ahead of schedule!! Woot. Bring on the celebration. Ya, I finished my song. It kinda stinks, but at least I've got something to turn in now lol. And it's two days ahead of schedule. Go me. All the way. And another woot. =)

Mmk, so a couple of funny stories...

Now, class, meet Adam. Typical friend. Choir friend. Has the uncanny ability to make anyone laugh whether it's on purpose or not. Like today. He interrupted Baggett's "No Distractions" lecture in the middle of choir by falling off the top of the risers/steps, and spent a little quality time getting to know all the backpacks he landed on. And laughing his head off. Of course, I don't really think he did it on purpose (I think his friend Ben pushed him, honestly), but Baggett had to put his "Distractions" lecture on hold while he laughed. But of course the teacher never laughs as hard as the students, and we had a heck of a time finishing the song that Baggett had already distracted us from with his "No Distractions" lecture. The irony is just sickening.

Moving on to Friend B. I must keep her anonymous, because, for some reason, she gets embarassed over seriously odd things. I honestly think Adam had a lot more reason to be embarassed than Friend B(and he was...completely beet red, I tell you), but I'll be nice. Kinda. Anyway, so sitting in 6th period, with my two other classmates (gotta love independant study =]) and Friend B started eating her lunch. She started with the main course, of course, (a piece of pizza that was picked to pieces while she unearthed...or uncheesed...every little mushroom and olive on it) and then went on to her banana. It was then that her audience (Me, and Friend K)realized that she has a couple screws loose. She doesn't peel her banana's right! Most people, while holding the banana in their left hand, grab the top, and peel the skin about halfway down in 1-2 inch strips. Not Friend A, though. Nope, she took the top in her right hand, split the skin, and using a fingernail just slit it down the side, like a zipper and just popped the thing out! We gave her a hard time for that. I just had to point out that even MONKEYs peel them right. Generally, anyway. It's just a well known fact. There is ONE way to peel banana's and one way ONLY!

Geeze. Some people's chitlins.

It was still rather amusing.

C'est amusent or something like that.


And why am I not napping? You got me...

My mind has been rebelling against me as of late (no it's not!!! What am I talking about?)

I'm just gonna let that one sit for a while if you didn't get it.

Anyway, my head never thinks I've gotten enough sleep. Ever since I got sick (nearly three weeks ago) I have taken every opprotunity available to take a nap, go to sleep at seven (or better yet, six), or sleep until noon. Unfortunately the latter is hardly ever actually an option. The other two on the other hand, have been taken full advantage of, and my head still hasn't recognized that I HAVE actually gotten a reasonable amount of sleep, and NO, I don't need to take ANOTHER three hour nap, no matter how lovely it sounds.

Anyway, that part of life kinda stinks right now. But other than that, it's just peachy. =) Speaking of peachy, one of my friends got pretty tickled the other day at my use of odd words such as peachy, spiffy, and snazzy, all of which I use on a regular basis. She even went as far as to call me a 70's sitcom. Go figure.

So, that whole ski trip is next weekend. I have to figure out if I'm going or not, hopefully sometime before the thing actually happens. Do I want to spend the weekend with sixty other kids (that I don't know very well) falling on my butt as I try to slide down a mountain on a pair of sticks for hours on end? Or do I want to stay home, relax and sleep in until Sunday on Saturday?

To tell the truth, I'm kinda leaning toward the latter to tell the truth.

I have a Music Comp class tomorrow morning, followed by a trip to the Fleck's new house, which I'm hoping I can get out of so I can go back home and sleep. The song I've been writing for music comp is officially due on the 21st so that someone can learn it in time for the concert on the 31st. I'm a little more than halfway done, which I consider to be a good thing, but I'm guessing that now would be a fairly good time to panic just a little. Last minute pressure is good for you, I've been told. =)

Anyway, methinks I'm off to take a nap.

So ta.


Resolutions (If you can call them that)

K, I'm finally breaking down (but only after having read no less than four blogs about New Year's resolutions, mind) and listing my "resolutions". I'm not sure you can call them that. But they float my boat just fine. Occasionally. My boat tends to be a little leaky at times lol.

1)I have this book called "100 Words to Make You Sound Smart". I'm going to use every single one of them in the presence of someone who doesn't even know what they mean. (the purpose of that second part being that I don't even have to use the word correctly, because they won't even know! It's such a boondoggular idea, isn't it?) The hard part will be finding dumb enough people.

2)I'm going to switch out of aerobics. Oh wait. I already did that. Right before break. I'm ahead of schedule! How 'bout that?

3)Completely complete all my homework the night it's assigned, or

4)Start waking up early enough to get it done before school.

5)Text more people (This is much more easily accomplished by the new cell tower that was recently put in behind the Ag wing. I have full service all over campus now, which is nothing short of a miracle, to be sure)

6)Partake in at least one piece of junk food a day. That's also been made fairly easy by the presence of a package of cookies, some runts, and animal crackers that are taking up valuable space in my locker. Life is good. =)I shouldn't mention (but I will) that I probably actually ate an entire year's worth of junk over the break, if I'm going by the one piece per day. But of course, you can never call me an underachiever...

7)Learn some new piano music. No problem there, I just have to FIND some!

8)Blog occasionally. And I mean very occasionally. Not just ever other "occasionally". Every "occasionally" I come across will be an occasion to blog. And I'll even hold myself to that.

9)Go to at least one convention (If you know me in the slightest, you'll see why this isn't a problem...)

10)Do at least one long term assignment at least two days before it's due. (Yeah, right. Who am I kidding? lol)

Anyway, that's my resolutions list. I might actually come up with something a little more worth while, but there's no way I'm posting it. See, my theory is that the reason no resolutions ever stay resolved for very long is because the paper that they've been written on gets "lost". If I post a worthy resolution and I don't keep it, I can't exactly claim I "lost" it, can I? Because somewhere, out in cyberspace, easily accessible by going to my blog page, that resolution will be waiting to be rediscovered. Even organized by year and then by month. So I'm playing it safe.

But just watch...half of these will go undone and I'll be slapping myself silly for posting it at all!

I think too much. Someone stop me.