
Blogging to avoid boredom

But it'll catch up with me anyway.

So today was perfectly boring. No one (quite literally) was in class 6th period...except me. So I actually worked on that 300 word essay (pretty lame length for an essay...more of a note if you ask me) and of course I finished it. I think it's pretty cool. It's about Mrs. Mc...pretty much the all in one teacher...taught second, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth. Pretty impressive.

So hmm...had a test today in math. The last question I most definitely got wrong. The rest I did okay on.

Nothing exciting in choir today for some reason.

Had to write a timed essay in History today about the changes that were made in Europe due to the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution. You'd think that since we've been studying that particular period for about a month now, I'd know what in the world I was talking about. But since I generally don't study, I didn't know what I was talking about so I just fudged my way through it. I hope he gives me extra points for having all five paragraphs and using some sources too. I thought I did pretty good for not having a book, or notes, or enough time. I needed someone to reattatch my arm after it fell off though.

Not pleasant.

There was Hawaiian pizza today for lunch. Made my day.

Dad woke up late this morning...also made my day, because I thought I would get to miss the bus and be driven to school. But no, dad drove like a maniac, and even though we left five minutes late, we got there two minutes early. Lame-o.

I have just realized that I wrote this blog backwards. Generally, days start with the waking up and END in math. I guess I'm just a little off my rocker.

lol...Forget that. The whole rocker just flipped over!


Anonymous said...

An upside-down day. Sounds a little like that movie that's out (something something "Benjamin Button") about the baby that was born old and grew younger. (Well, maybe YOU don't see the connection, but in my whacked out mind it makes PERfect sense!)