
No More Funny Stories...Yet.

Back to school tomorrow, so there will undoubtedly be more.


Got back from the ski thing yesterday night. It was actually pretty fun. Friday night was hosted at the senior Nelsons...that would be Dan's parents...Hannah and Brady's grand's. Food consisted of taco salad or wetbacks or something like that. It was really good. Us kids kept ourselves entertained by thinking of games to play that involved a lot of noise. Taylor and Blake (quote) "tickled the ivories" for a while after I got done playing the only two songs I've got memorized. Then everyone broke ranks and headed off to the gender-specific houses...meaning Nelson's for the girls and Bergh's for the guys. Some of the overflow went to the VDM's. Thankfully there wasn't much overflow this year...there were about 34 people there instead of 60 like last year.

Saturday morning everyone headed off to go skiing around 7:30. Me and Katie Evans waited behind for an hour or so to go with Karen, who was bringing food, because we weren't skiing anyway, so there was no point in going early. We got there around 10. Apparently the snow was more ice than anything else, so there were about 20 stretchers being hauled in behind snow mobiles. Only two of the casualties were ours...Brenda VanDenBerg and Julia something or another. Both with broken wrists. They got hauled off to the ER in their ski clothes and cardboard splints. There were about 8 other kids in the same condition ahead of them, so they were gone for quite a few hours. They even got to sign the wall of fame of people who broke their wrists while snowboarding.

We left around four and went to Berghs for the bonfire. That only lasted a few hours. Someone got the bright idea to head out for Little Caesar's where the pizza's are only $5 each. So they got fifteen. All but 3 disappeared completely, mostly thanks to some of the guys who decided to just take their own box. All that greasy cardboard fed the fire pretty well, though, when the wood ran out. I ended up going back up to the house a little early because my headache chose that moment to come back. But that's all right. I just sat on the couch and petted the dog and listened to the adults talk.

Meeting Sunday morning was pretty monstrous. Again, not as big as last year's, but it still hit close to 60 people. And it was pretty teary for some reason. There was definitely a box of tissues being passed around.

Lunch was at the VDM's after meeting. Pasgetti and bread and salad. Good stuff. Then b-day cake for Joey. And ice cream.

Then whoever hadn't left at that point went of to gosple meeting. It was Dan's last meeting...I have no idea why, but he's going to North LA and we're getting Dale Schultz. I'm kinda bummed. Dan was really cool. I guess we'll see him again at conventions. Which start in May!! I'm pretty excited.

Arright...well I guess that's it for the weekend. Today wasn't all that exciting. I swept and mopped the floor, straightened the cook books, and then we went and saw Bride Wars. It was good but I still really wanna see Seven Pounds. Grocery shopping afterwards, during which I invested in a few new DVDs. And then I got a Crunchwrap. And now I'm home typing. And I think I'm done now. So ta.


Anonymous said...

I just noticed the blurb under your picture. Not to split (red) hairs or anything, but how do you KNOW you like long walks on the beach? Or is it a theoretical thing . . . ;)

Sierra said...

Post the pictures! :)