
Resolutions (If you can call them that)

K, I'm finally breaking down (but only after having read no less than four blogs about New Year's resolutions, mind) and listing my "resolutions". I'm not sure you can call them that. But they float my boat just fine. Occasionally. My boat tends to be a little leaky at times lol.

1)I have this book called "100 Words to Make You Sound Smart". I'm going to use every single one of them in the presence of someone who doesn't even know what they mean. (the purpose of that second part being that I don't even have to use the word correctly, because they won't even know! It's such a boondoggular idea, isn't it?) The hard part will be finding dumb enough people.

2)I'm going to switch out of aerobics. Oh wait. I already did that. Right before break. I'm ahead of schedule! How 'bout that?

3)Completely complete all my homework the night it's assigned, or

4)Start waking up early enough to get it done before school.

5)Text more people (This is much more easily accomplished by the new cell tower that was recently put in behind the Ag wing. I have full service all over campus now, which is nothing short of a miracle, to be sure)

6)Partake in at least one piece of junk food a day. That's also been made fairly easy by the presence of a package of cookies, some runts, and animal crackers that are taking up valuable space in my locker. Life is good. =)I shouldn't mention (but I will) that I probably actually ate an entire year's worth of junk over the break, if I'm going by the one piece per day. But of course, you can never call me an underachiever...

7)Learn some new piano music. No problem there, I just have to FIND some!

8)Blog occasionally. And I mean very occasionally. Not just ever other "occasionally". Every "occasionally" I come across will be an occasion to blog. And I'll even hold myself to that.

9)Go to at least one convention (If you know me in the slightest, you'll see why this isn't a problem...)

10)Do at least one long term assignment at least two days before it's due. (Yeah, right. Who am I kidding? lol)

Anyway, that's my resolutions list. I might actually come up with something a little more worth while, but there's no way I'm posting it. See, my theory is that the reason no resolutions ever stay resolved for very long is because the paper that they've been written on gets "lost". If I post a worthy resolution and I don't keep it, I can't exactly claim I "lost" it, can I? Because somewhere, out in cyberspace, easily accessible by going to my blog page, that resolution will be waiting to be rediscovered. Even organized by year and then by month. So I'm playing it safe.

But just watch...half of these will go undone and I'll be slapping myself silly for posting it at all!

I think too much. Someone stop me.


Anonymous said...

swell resolutions... that was actually quite wittily (is that a word? you get my drift) written. Very enjoyable and entertaining. Go eat some Oreos or Fritos for your trouble. ;)

I'll post mine up on my blog!

Shawna said...

Well hmm, most of those sound like ones i could keep, specially the hmwk ones. Oh wait, thats cause i dont HAVE homework! :D

Sierra said...

I feel insulted.....

AND YOU NEED TO POST THE PICTURES!!!! and the movie lol

Franklin said...

Nice, way to be. Have fun completing all of them! :P

Kara said...

well, i WOUld post the pics...

...if my camera cord weren't in my purse, which, incidentally, hasn't arrived yet. Have you guys mailed it?

Sierra said...

oh....not yet sorry lol things are fairly crazyish lol