
Another school day...

Except it was a little interesting. It rained for one, and I'm pretty sure that everyone reading this is well aware of my shoe situation. If not, let it simply be said that though I own 20 some pairs of shoes, not one of them is waterproof.

So needless to say, I walked to school in the rain, and my feet were soaked through by the time the bus pulled up. And today was the one day I wished that the classes were longer. I would almost be dryed out and thawed by the end of the class, and then have to go walk in the rain again. Love rain, hate being wet. Especially when my jeans figured out a way to soak themselves six inches up my legs. How in the world...?

We had a course preview day today...something that only happens once a year, which in itself makes it a special day, but really, it was especially special because the periods were shorter. Between second and third period we all got to go around to different classes and preview the electives that would be given next year. So I went and sat in the choir room and listened to Baggett's speel about how cool choir was...except he was really just preaching to the choir...'cause all the kids in there the first session were choir kids. Yup. I'm the master of puns, are I not? So then Chamber did their bit and sang some of their songs. Three of them were ones that Kirstyn sang while in choir eons ago. So I sang along a little. We even got to hear the fruitcake song again, which was the highlight of my day. Someone, who shall remain nameless (but if you've read many of my past blogs you'll realize this is another you-know-who story), thought that since this was the last time they would have to sing the song, he would screw with it...just a little bit. So when they sang the part about fruitcake, he yelled it. And when the tenors started did he. I was muchly amused.

Sixth period, my good buddy Brittney noticed just how soaked my shoes were, so she insisted she find a way to dry them over the little portable heater in McD's office. I warned her that they would stink to high heaven, but she just replied that she couldn't smell anything. So she grabbed my umbrella, wrapped a couple rubber bands around it and attatched those to the buckles on my shoes, and propped it in between a trash can and the computer modem. It worked pretty well, in both drying out my shoes and smelling up the place. Brittney left after a while, leaving me and poor Jake (who was trying to sleep) to smell the horrer of the shoes. She left the office door open when she left, too, becuase the class was out at the comp lab, leaving no reason to close it. When the bell rang, two TA's walked in as I was going out and definitely started gagging. I left lickety split. Yup. That was my sixth period excitement.

Seventh period...math...we're working on this math problem that's taking absolutely forEVER, because no one in my group (including me) knows how to do it. We got a fair amount of help from Bishop yesterday, and got part A done, but we ran into another wall of ignorance on part B today, and couldn't do squat with it without more help. So we raised our hands and hoped that Bishop wouldn't be too busy answering other people's questions. He doesn't seem to realize that his priorities SHOUld lie with us...Anyway. So after 10 minutes of watching him just walk past us to talk to other people, we decided that the best way to get his attention would be to pull out my deck of cards and start playing palace. This, without fail, manages to draw him over like a moth to a flame. Usually, he likes to pretend to take them away from us unless we get some work done, so we haggle with him (i.e. two problems and then back to the cards), and then realize that there isn't enough time to DO two problems anyway, so we're sunk. That's usually. Today, he didn't even look at us once! Even when we started using our telepathic persuasion-y powers to make him look in our direction. He finally saw us about five minutes before class ended.

Well, I did get a little done, anyway. I managed to lose two games of palace within fifteen minutes and get really annoyed with Patty for every single card when we played BS.

So I was kinda sorta productive...


mmk...gonna go check the brownies now.



Anonymous said...

. . . which turned out *gooey* AGAIN!! I swear, girl, whoever taught you that brownies are best eaten with a spoon is seriously deranged!

Kara said...

Not a spoon, mother...there's a happy medium that involves sporks, if you must know.


Franklin said...

THat was the funniest post I have seen in awhile! That totally made my day!