
25 completely random things about me

I would honestly love to know where this thing started but it's currently all over FaceBook, and since I recently acquired one, well, I was exposed. So here goes...

25 Things About Me

1. I generally drink my drinks without ice, because it gets in the way and makes my teeth cold. The only exception is when then drink I'm drinking is supposed to be cold and isn't.

2. I think people should come with blinkers. And they should use them while walking down the sidewalk at school.

3. I hardly ever eat breakfast, and when I do, its generally just a bag of chips from the vending machine. Harvest Cheddar Sunchips. =)

4. FaceBook scares me.

5. I don't like practicing things unless I'm already good at them. Slightly ironic, I know, but that's why I won't be good at cello for quite a while.

6. I have never used my cell phone to make more than a 5 minute call. I text.

7. Nicknames are, for the most part, strictly forbidden. This includes Carrot Soup. And Wench, unless you happen to be Shawna whereupon it will only be allowed once in a very great while.

8. I sleep under about 5 blankets no matter how hot it is outside, just because I like the weight of them. My bed also has 5 pillows on it, just because I like them there. I only use one at a time.

9. My life revolves around my ability to procrastinate.

10. I eat ranch on everything except salads. Salads require Thousand Island.

11. I sleep more than is probably healthy. There have been weekends where I was asleep more than I was awake. Then going back to school the next week, I would indulge in several naps. I think I must be a teenager.

12. I tend to scare my mother with my driving. I blame the older two sisters that wore down her courage while they were learning to drive.

13. Even with a 3" binder full of music, I often run out of stuff to play, because I get tired of it really fast.

14. I can't cook. I have ruined Mac'n'cheese. And once I put a bowl of Ramen in the microwave without water. But I make cookies. And brownies from a box. =)

15. I got an A in AP World last symester even though I got D's on virtually every test.

16. Vanilla ice cream is da bomb.

17. I know about 20 people in the choir of 100+ kids. And I see them every day. Maybe I'm just not social.

18. I could live on Crunchwraps. With no tomato or sour cream, add extra nacho cheese. Amazing stuff.

19. I dress to match my backpack. But only occasionally.

20. The chickens we had when was little scared the bejeebers out of me.

21. I considered many times running away and living in the pasture. In a fully furnished tree house that I would build myself, of course.

22. I'm world class when it comes to losing card games, especially to people that I've just taught the game to.

23. Taking off my sweatshirt is often just too big of a hassle, so you will often see me walking around with it on in 80+ degree weather.

24. I post too many survey/quiz things on MySpace. But most of you already know that.

25. Jumping out at people from behind corners is one of the many things I do to keep myself entertained.

Anyway, that's my list.

And a funny story...So I went to go get breakfast this morning (from the vending machine...duh...didn't you read number 3?). I dropped in my dollar twenny-five and punched in the letter number combo for my bag of chips. Now let me tell you something about these school vending machines. No matter how badly you want what you have just paid for, the thing won't always give it to you. And it mocks you too. Sometimes it'll drop whatever you wanted, let it fall for half a second, and then, somehow, trap it, in such a way that there is no real possible way to get it out.

You can guess what happened to me.

I spent a good five minutes alternately ramming the thing trying to get the bag dislodged and sitting on the floor trying to reach far enough into the thing that I could turn the bag just enough to let it fall down. Laura, meanwhile, stood there and laughed at me. The sad thing was, I could actually touch the bag, but i couldn't get a grip on it to turn it around. A couple of people came along trying to get stuff out of it, and they very nicely coordinated their purchase so that they got something directly above my bag of chips in an effort to knock it down. But no. Neither the gummy bears or the rice crispy thing worked, although the gummy bears got stuck for a second on TOP of my bag. Anyway, the girl who got the rice crispy thing gave it to me because she apparently didn't even want it, so my breakfast this morning was actually cereal. In a marshmallow-y form. Pretty tasty. =)


Kirstyn said...

19 and 22 rock.

And don't knock the sleep. I did the exact same thing when I was your age. Mom got worried enough to take me to the doctor to get my blood checked... Betcha she just lets you sleep.

Kara said...

lol...yup. that's one nice thing about being teenager #3. =)

Anonymous said...

I KNOW it's insane! It's a wildfire seriously! I wanna do mine over again cuz I put up a bunch of boring stuff.

And I must add you as a friend as soon as my Facebook is up and running again. :)

I like your list... I agree very much with #16. Vanilla ice cream is ONLY beat by DQ's chocolate ice cream.

And #24... I totally have you beat on that.

Shawna said...

Ha, I get to call you wench, I afree with number 2, 5, 8... well i think i pretty much agree with most of those. I guess you are just really like me :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I never fully realized just how much damage dropping you did. ;) Thanks for the grin(n)s, love :)