

I was gonna post this last night...but I got fed up with the computer and gave up for the time being. I am re-pursuing it in the hopes that someone will actually read it and make it worthwhile. so help me out here people...

I didn't sleep very well last night, which may very well have everything to do what happened this morning. I didn't get to sleep until lateish, and i kept waking up for the oddest reasons. Actually, there was no reason at all for my waking up. I just did, about once every hour from midnight to three or so. Each time I would wake up enough to figure out what time it was, which is difficult when you don't have a digital clock. Grr. I woke up again after getting a bit more sleep, and I glanced at my clock...actually, i studied it for a few minutes before I realized that it said quarter after. I couldn't figure out why my alarm clock hadn't gone off, but i didn't think about it too long, cause i had to get ready for school. Normally, it doesn't take too long to do, but we were fresh out of milk for cereal, so I had to make muffins. I scurried. The muffins got out just in time for me to grab a couple to eat as I walked to the bus stop. I went to tell mom that I was leaving, and then...I realized that I had not realized exactly what quarter after it was. I did not actually have to leave at 6, just like I didn't have to get up at quarter after five. GAHHHHHH! So,I was tired all day. More than normal, anyway.

More news, I finally know a few people on my new bus. One of them is in my math class...he's cool. I don't know him very well, but whatever works. Another is a girl that I met after I sat in one of her friend's seats. That was entertaining. I had just sat in a random seat, and this guy comes along and says, "Some random person is sitting in my seat!" So I just kinda smiled, and said, "That's too bad."So he went off looking for another seat, and another guy came along and said pretty much the same thing...I think that they normally sit together in the seat I had claimed. So they spent a few minutes trying out different seats, deciding that they didn't want to sit on one side of the bus, and one seat wasn't wide enough...etc. I finally relented and gave them back their seat and sat in front of another girl who had been watching the whole thing and kinda laughing. she invited me to sit with her, so i did, and we spent the whole ride making fun of a guy up in the front of the bus who apparently hadn't undergone puberty. And he didn't realize it apparently, since he was shouting a ton. some people will never learn. the girl (i have no idea what her name is...can't you tell how close we are?)apparently got a headache from a combination of that and some guy that apparently smelled like weed. I have a cold, so i couldn't really smell anything at all. I was considered lucky.

And that's my news folks....ttfn



I got to go with capincs (a puppet show group that teaches kids about stranger danger and red light green light touches and all that) to do a puppet show at a local preschool. on the way over, lynne, the director of the whole thing, was telling us that the more we moved the puppets, the more we would get the attention of the kids, because they are easily distracted by movement. no kidding. the minute we walked into the door, almost every eye was on us. the kids were in another room putting away their toys but a few of them (all girls for some reason) came to watch us set up the stage and all. when we were all done setting up and everyone came in, the three of us sat behind the stage, (very uncomfortably, i might add. it's not easy to fit three people that closely together.) and listened to the beginning parts of it. lynne was asking the kids questions that got some hilarious answers, like
"who can tell me what a stranger is?"
"a bear!"
"well, i suppose a bear would be a stranger if you didn't know him..."
we were all lauging histerically behnd the curtain. it was kinda hard though, because we weren't allowed to make any noise. hmm. i'm pretty sure that none of the questions got answered right. sometimes, a kid, when called on by the color of his shirt or something, would go into a long story about how he had gotten his shirt when he went shopping with his grandma and he saw a doggy that was taller than he was...etc, etc. it was insanely funny. we managed to make it through the show, with a few cramped shoulders from holding our arms in one position for so long with nothing to lean it against. i think we did ok.

btw, we are officially moved in now. i just have to unpack a ton. i stayed up until 11 last night working on it. that may actually be why i was really tired today. hmmm.....


The amusement of a pair of crutches

I was just sitting there eating a piece of pie when Cayman walked in on crutches. No reason for them, of course, but the cruthes were present nonetheless. So, I chuckled and went back to eating my pie. And then, for some reason, which is still unknown to me, I made the suggestion that he turn them upside down and step on th handles, turning them into stilts. He, of course loved the idea. Carol, not so much. After his first attempt (during which he nearly took out the dog) she left, claiming that she didn't want to experience the death of her child. I don't really blame her, actually. From then on, I couldn't get another piece of my pie down without half-choking to death, because I was laughing so hard at Cayman's insane stunts. Most of his feats just involved actually getting onto the crutches, but some of the others included faceplants, balancing acts, and more near-takeouts of various dogs and siblings. It was an entertaining evening.


Thanksgiving Part 2

Ya, not much happened since the last time I posted. I ate a bunch of pumpkin pie, all the kids went out to the garage to watch TV, and Vanessa ran into something that made her cry for 10 or 15 minutes. I had been listening to her crying for a while, and then decided that I was tired of watching TV, so I went out to the kitchen for (what else) more pie. Big Ruben was out there holding Vanessa and trying to get her quiet. When she saw me, she slid off her dad's lap and came over to me wanting up. No objections on my part. So, I picked her up, and she decided that she wanted some of my pie. It was fine with Ruben, so I gave her a little at a time until she didn't want any more. Then she just leaned her head on my shoulder and went to sleep. I sat on the couch with her in my lap for an hour and a half. Ya, I like Vanessa, but I'm pretty sure that I prefer her conscious. She finally woke up at around 7:45 and then she was off like a rocket again.Wonderful. Now, everyone's out in the garage again, watching TV. And playing with our new puppy. Oh ya, I forgot to mention that. Uncle Don just gave us one of his newest puppies from Japan. It's an Achida and it's soooooo cute. She's about the size of Katie right now, so they've been playing for a while. We haven't decided what to name her yet, but I'm kinda rooting for Mika. It works really well for her. But, dad and Carol are gonna name her because they don't want the hassle of having a vote with an even number of kids. I don't blame them. But I really hope that they name her Mika. *crosses fingers*


Today's Thanksgiving. Betcha didn't know that. But I did. So there. We had Julie and Ruben, along with Marlissa, Alicia, Vanessa, and baby Ruben over, plus the boys' grandma, and our Uncle Don with his three newest puppies. No one really got here until 1:45 or so, and we had been expecting them at around 1. The last person showed at around 3 or so, so that pretty much designated our eating time. So, we pretty much just got done with food. The whole meal was quite an escapade.

Starting at the beginning...My fun started when the Cruizes showed up. I now had two babies (Baby Ruben and Vanessa) to play with. And then came Stephanie. So, I got to hold Ruben, at least while Steph went and played with Vanessa. It was fun playing with Ruben, but I kinda wished that I had gotten to play with a kid that had a bit more of a personality. But, it didn't really work out that way, so..oh well. I thought that I had gotten luck when Uncle Don came with his three newest puppies. Two had come from Japan just a couple days ago. That caught everyone's attention, so I thought that I would have more time to spend with Vanessa. No such luck. She wanted to see the doggies even more that the other kids. Grr. So I played with Ruben a little more. I got rid of him eventually (I think he was needing a nap or something) so I went and played the piano. (I really need to find someone who can sing the songs while I play them. I found out that I can't multi-task to that extreme)And then "lunch" was served. The reason for the " things is that we didn't actually eat until close to 3:30. That hardly qualifies as lunch. Lupper, maybe, or sunch, but not lunch.

So we all sat down. Or that's what was supposed to happen. Most of the kids got their food, then went and sat down. Soon after that, though, they were called to "come give Grammy a glass of that sparkling cider" or "do you think that you could get me a plate of food, sweetie?" and so on and so on. Finally, we all got settled: The girls at the table, the adults in the living room, and the boys in the garage (?). About 5 minutes after we had gotten our food, Maverick came back in, set his glass on the counter next to the bottle of cider, then promptly upturned the bottle into his glass. The rest of us, needless to say, thought that that was completely unnecessary, and that he was being a cow (ok, maybe that last part was just me, but still!). We made the appropriate exclamations of horror (that also may have just been me, but i'm pretty sure that I had support of my actions)then went back to our food as soon as he went back to the garage. Another 5 minutes later, he showed up again. This time, though, he asked his mom if he could have some more. I thought she was going to say no, considering the amount he had already had, the amounts the rest of us had already not had, and the amount of cider left. (out of the six bottles we had started out with, we had half of one left)But, no, she let him, as long as he had a glass of water first. With a smug grin on his face, he walked over to the sink, filled his glass with water, and glugged it in just a few seconds. Oh. My. Word. He then repeated his earlier performance, nearly emptying the bottle, but this time he left about an inch in the bottom. "See? I didn't take all of it!" He was therefore banned from drinking any more of it, which didn't do much good, considering it was gone. We told dad that, and he went over to the fridge and brought out another bottle. And found another one in the pantry from last Christmas. I don't think that I'll be drinking any of the old stuff, but still, it was neat to know that we had it. Then, we all decided that we were full, and we left. After drinking none of our hard-earned cider. We can be fickle sometimes, I suppose. Then the boys came in from the garage, laughing their heads off. Apparently, nature had called the puppies in the extreme while they were out there. Great. So, Uncle Don said to take them for a walk. So they went. I made it up the driveway and then decided that I didn't want to go after the people who had gone up ahead. Too much exercise. Eew. And now I have to go and experience the rest of my holiday, since it's only a quarter after 4.


Busy day

I didn't go to school today. I was gonna go to the last two periods, but I decided that I didn't really need to and there was more important stuff to get done. Since 7 o'clock this morning, I have accomplished a ton more than I ever would've at school where the only work we do involves a pencil and paper, or in the case of math class, a handheld game of cards or something. I have:
-made a batch of muffins
-packed at least six 4x2.5x2.5 boxes and completely cleaned out both upstairs rooms and closets (which were the biggest time consumers)
-finished off a footlong sub from Quizno's. (call me a pig, i don't care. it was good beyond words. I just won't mention that our manly help wasn't able to finish off his sandwich, and it was the same size as mine)
-folded half of the entire population of the underwear that reside in this house
-and still managed trips to the computer and piano. I am wonderwoman. You know it, you just don't want to admit it. :P

I also managed to get pictures of the whole process. It's kinda cool to look at. Our room is now completely bare except for furniture and the occasional piece of trash on the floor. So is the other room. It's really odd, cause we've lived in this house for 13 years or so, and it has never been this empty. hmm. i'll have to post the pictures on myspace soon.

On a different subject, it turns out that I have a dentist appointment. not orthodontist, dentist. the people that i despise more than any other being on the face of the earth. It turns out that before I can get a consultation with Dr. Valentine (the guy who's doing my tooth implant)he has to get a reccommendation from Dr. Paye, my normal dentist, and in order to get that recommendation, I have to have an appointment with him before my appointment with Dr. V, which is next monday. Joyous. So, now, i have an appointment tomorrow at 9:30. *sigh* i hate the dentist. let's just saw off my teeth right now, huh? it'll save me a lot of pain in the future from stupid people who think it's fun to make a living by messing with the chewing tools in one's mouth. I really don't understand who would find that interesting enough to go to school for it for years on end and then open a business. Eew. :P


Poor poor stephy-poo

She has made this day very blogworthy. At a price.

Today was Stephanie's going away party at CP. So, last night, we stayed up until 10:30 and made a grand total of 94 cookies for it. Actually, it would've been 103, but i kinda sorta charred one batch beyond repair. I'm not sure how you would repair cookies in the first place, but that's pretty much off the topic. So, I got her cookies all made after kicking her out of the kitchen a few times (she said she felt guilty, so to heal her consiece, i told her that she could do my dishes. it worked out just spiffily for both of us). But, the lateish night meant that i was super tired this morning and slept through most of my alarm. Mom woke me up with 5 minutes to spare. Oh well. I had gotten ready in a minute and a half before. no biggy.

Choir was a ton of fun, loaded with manual labor. Baggot needed about 20 ppl to move the entire set of risers and sound walls in the theater. It was really fun. only about 13 of us actually volunteered, but that almost made it more fun. We got to lug heavy stuff all over the place. we are now officially way cooler than the guys' choir, cause they (the big buff man-chicks)didn't do all that stuff...we did!! heck ya. that took almost half the period, so we went back to the choir room, and just to waste the rest of the time, Baggot explained the whole concert nite proceedings to the newbies. All that time, he wa munching on a cookie that i had given him earlier. it looked like he was thoroughly enjoying it. Cookie points!!

the rest of the day went pretty much as planned. planned meaning perfectly predictable. French was funny(mostly cause we got to watch Finding Nemo in French. It was great, cause the ppl doing the voices had to talk really fast to keep up with the actions.)bio was interesting, of course. I discovered that i really need to start studying before my tests. funny how that works.

After school i went down to drop a butt-load of stuff off at my locker, and i saw mom at the top of the stairs. i called her once, but then i got a bunch of odd looks, cause there was no way she could hear me from there. She turned around a couple seconds later, and i gestured that i was gonna go put some stuff away, then i met her in the car a couple minutes later. Katherine was in there too. It saved me the trouble of going to c if she wanted a ride. apparently she did. Then i found out that we were gonna stop by Union Hill for Steph to meet her teachers. So,Katherine and I walked to our new house, which is right by it, and i showed her around. Then we went back to the car, talking and making fun of the "high and mighty" eighth graders. some of which were either really nerdy, or really preppy. it was much fun.

We finally headed for home. we never actually made it there though, until about half an hour ago. on our road, mom realized that she needed to get some packing boxes. so we went back into town for them, but they didn't fit into the car. not wanting it to be a wasted trip, we went to the library, then to KFC. Mom didn't want to go through the long line in the drive thru, so we went in, and sat down at one of those funky high tables. Steph went and messed around with the jukebox for a bit, and played a few songs. When we were done with our food, i went and played a couple songs, too. When "I Believe" came on, i told mom that we couldn't leave until the song was done, and she said we could stay as long as I would dance. We left. As we were walking out the door, I grabbed Stephanie's Happy Hat off her head and stuck it on my head. It didn't really work though, cause her head is way smaller than mine, so it just kinda sat on my head. She didn't think it was very funny, though, cause we had been doing that in the resteraunt too. So, she started running at me for the hat, so i threw it in mom's general direction. It landed in the parking lot. for a second Steph pretty much spun around in circles, wondering if she wanted to kill me first or save her hat from distruction by car. (it had landed right in a parking spot)after making everyone dizzy, she ran for the hat. seeing my opprotunity, i ran for the car, but i wasn't quick enough, though. she managed to kick me twice, once solidly in the butt. ouchywawa. it hurt. Then we went home. and that's my day.



My new favorite story

The last few minutes of Bio today, Weav told us this great story. The entire class was in hysterics.

Weav didn't do life science until a few years ago, and the first day of school on the first year that he was supposed to be teaching this new kind, he was standing at the door, greeting each kid as he or she passed him to go into the classroom. There was this kid who was apparently having a really bad day, so when Weav went through his welcom script with him ("Hey, my name is Mr. Weaver. What's yours?")the kid just said, "F*** You!!" So, for the rest of the day, whenever Weav talked to him, he called him F You. This, of course, annoyed the kid to no end, so at the end of class, he went up to Weav and said "My name isn't F You!" "Well, then, why don't we just start over. Hi, my name is Mr. Weaver. What's yours?" "Chuck."So he went home, and everyone had a good day. Sorta.

The next day Chuck came into class, and decided that to pay Weav back for the previous day, he would just sit in his seat and sulk, and just all around fail the course. That was fine by Weav, just as long as he didn't make too much noise. But Chuck had an annoying habit of messing with Weav's paper clips, just to, once again, annoy him. So one day, Chuck was sulking as normal, and messing around with paper clips while Weav was writing something on the board. Then, there was a bzzzzzzzzzzzt, and Weav turned around for a second. Chuck was sitting on his butt in the middle of the floor. It had apparently been where he had landed after falling off his chair: a side effect of sticking a paper clip into an electric socket, and electrocuting himself. Then he stood up, looked at Weav, and said, all gangsta like "What? Huh? What?"

By the time he was done telling the story, the whole class what laughing hystaricly, but then the bell rang, and we went home. yay.

the end

but ya, that's my new favorite story. about one of the dumbest kids to ever enter Weaver's class. Joyous.


Let this be a lesson to you

It simply does not do to have a household of lack of men for years on end. The discussions that come of it can be rather odd. Especially when an older sister admits to owning the ball of string currently sitting on top of the dryer. (It may be prudent to mention that that ball of string was actually several pairs of under-garments, but I have been warned by the owner of the afore said that, should I say too much on the subject, I may very well die) No more will be said, but Shawna, if you're reading this, you need to call me. I have a hilarious story for ya.

Allyson and Kirstyn got here last night lateish, and since I had no one online to talk to, I just went to be by about 10, missing them by a good 2 or 3 hours. But I saw them this morning, and this afternoon a lot. We went to IHOP for breakfast, and as happened the last time we went there with a visiting sister, it took us until ten just to get out the door. Surprisingly, there was very little squabling overwho got the front seat this time. We got to the resteraunt, and it was kinda full, but not too bad. We decided that we could al squeeze into one booth (there were 5 of us) to save the time of waiting for a slightly larger table. It didn't do much good in the long run, however, because it took our food so long to get to us, but it was entertaining nonetheless. After a bit of switching up, we finally got everyone fit into a place on each bench, and no one had to sit with have of their hind parts half-way off the bench. It was definately a plus. Our food finally got there, and we ate, and then Kirstyn's cell phone rang. It was her current "love interest". And this one, none of us had met before. We jumped on the opporotunity, and mom answered the phone. She talked, then started to hand it over to Kirk, but I intercepted, and talked, and handed it off to Steph, and she talked, and then it finally made it back to Kirstyn. (We have made a study out of the fact that most of the guys she does out with tend to break up with her not long after they meet us. The ones that can last more than 2 weeks are considered worthy)Our conversation wasn't enough to prove anything, so she hung up and we left a little later. K, skipping on to the more important stuff.

Actually, there's just one more point of interest. Kirstyn made banana bread. With chocolate chips. So, as soon as I dound out that it was done, I cute a huge slice out of the middle. I have to thank Allyson for the idea, because she had done that to one of Kirstyn's other loaves of bread a couple days before. Needless to say, mom shouted "Kara Sue!" and I knew that she had found out. Kirk found out a couple seconds later after I had finished laughing. It wasa great. Well, that was just a few minutes ago,so I have no further news.
Toodle Pip!


Super Stalker Stalks Again!

ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mom won't let me scream out loud anymore, so I have to do it in print. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!there we go. I think I got it all our of my system. This stupid blogger thingy just deleted one of the longest blogs I have ever written. Or maybe it was the internet, but either way, oy, I'm angry. Grr. I am Kara. Hear me roar. And scream in exceedingly high pitched tones. So, starting aaaaaaaaallllllllll over again, this time slightly more agitated, so the story may get cut a little shorter.

In reference to the title, yes, the Stupid Stalker stalked once again. actually, it was more like thrice again, but that just makes it more complicated. It all started in PE, but i'm starting with third period, cause it was one of the better parts of my day. Not to mention it's just better this way, cause chronological order is pretty darned spiffy.

So, third period. Math. Geometry. Previously known to all Kara-kind as the most boring class on campus. Until today, that is. It started out pretty boring, I sat down, and was given a worksheet on the Trig-ish stuff we learned at the beginning of the year. I had it done in 10 minutes, so I waited for the teacher to come around asking if I had any questions. Just one...after he had checked me homework and expressed his amasement that "you really DO get it" he gave me a note so that I could go to the library and work on homework there for the rest of the period. Which was half an hour. Pretty darned spiffy. And for this feat, I give credit to my older sisters for planting the idea of legally ditching classes into my head. Thank 'ee mooch.

PE finally rolled around after several periods full of non-consequential things. We got to play volleyball again today. So, I waited around for Kendra to finish changing (she's kinda slow,I found out)and together, we walked to the Ali gym. As we got closer to the doors, I saw Him...the terror of many of the girls in my English class. Cole Whats-is-face. The legendary stalker. If he's trying to earn himself a reputation, it's sure working, just not in the way that he probably hoped it would.Anyway, he was walking along J wing with a camera in his hand, probably just out to take pics for yearbook or a photography class. But, either way, I didn't wanna talk to him (do I ever?), so I walked faster, but i didn't manage to reach shelter before he caught up with me. A couple monosyllabic answers to a bunch of stupid questions and statements later, I walked into the gym, with a very much laughing Kendra next to me. Grr.

PE was fun though, except for the part where I forgot my sweatshirt in the gym. That meant that i had to go back for it later. I didn't think too much about it, because I figured that he would be gone by then. No such luck. This time, he followed me even further, only stopping once we reached the entry way before the gym. I went through the last set of doors, and when he didn't follow, i figured I was safe for the rest of the day. unbeknownst to me, he stood waiting for me outside the door i had gone through. i glimpsed him right before i went out that particular door, and dodged out the door that was furthest away from him. that didn't work all too well, either. He caught up with me, and this time, asked me where I was headed. my mind flashed back to the last time I had told him where one of my classes was. He stood right next to the door in the mornings, waiting for me for at least two weeks. not wanting a repeat of that fiasco, I just told him that I was going to S wing, left it at that, and pretty much ran.

Bio was turned into a more pleasant version of PE. we had to run stairs for a lab. joyous. Before I got on the bus, i had to run down to my locker to drop off a bunch of stuff that I really didn't wanna take with me, as I had to walk home. It wasn't much out of the way, so I just took the stairs up instead of the ramp, figuring that I was home free. I think that someone decided that I was going to be really unlucky today, though. He was there...waiting, once again, at the top of the stairs. There was no avoiding him this time since he had already seen me, but I moved to the other side of the staircase to at least try to make it obvious that I didn't want another run in with him. It didn't work. But this time, I made it past with a raise of the eyebrows, and a "fine". then I ran to my escape vehicle and made a fast getaway. not really, but i did run up the bus steps so fast that bill didn't have a chance to ask for my ID. That was fortunate, cause i didn't have it on me. I still don't, actually. I should do something about that. hmm.

So I got home, and did my duty as the resident pig of the household and finished off the ice cream. it was marvelous. i had a can of pop too. nummy. and i've been on the computer ever since, writing and re-writing this blog. grr. i hate blogger now. dumbdumbdumb. that's my day in a rather largish nutshell. now, i'm gonna stay up and wait for kirstyn, who probably hasn't even left yet. sooo...who wants to stay up until lateish and talk to me until she gets here? hmm? you know you wanna...


Me and my fickleness

Well, today was kinda ok. We had lessons, which weren’t all that bad, but I still didn’t want to go to them. Afterwards, we went out for supper…it had to be something fast-foodish. We actually all wanted Mexican, odd enough, but I wanted to be fickle. I wanted Taco Bell, and dad and Steph wanted Jimboy’s. So, we compromised, and did both. And then I got fickle again. My Taco Bell orders get complicated most of the time, and this time was no exception. A year or two ago, Shawna introduced me to her creation. A cheesy rice and bean burrito, minus the salsa, add chicken. But I would like to say that I have officially created a better burrito, believe it or not. It’s the same thing as hers, but I went one better. I grilled it. It was the best burrito I had ever had. I’m pretty sure that they should add it onto their menu as another kind of grilled stuffed burrito. It would rock. So, I ate it…savoring ever bite of grilled chickeny cheesiness until it was all gone.

We had gone through the Jimboy’s drive through before that, however, and Dad and Steph both got their food. As dad was grabbing his water from the lady at the window, he dropped it, and he seemed to have positioned it just right, or wrong as the case may be, so it landed right between his legs on the seat and popped. I definitely guffawed. I was still cracking up as the lady (definitely mortified) handed dad a towel, and got him a new water. Sadly, he didn’t drop that one. It would’ve made my day even better, even though it didn’t need it much.

So, now we’re home…and working on laundry, and watching TV, and all that. It turns out that we’re going home to Mom’s after school tomorrow, so we have to get all of our Sunday stuff done tonight. Seeing as we didn’t get home until 6:40, I don’t think that much of it is actually gonna get done. But who’s complaining? Wait, let me rephrase that: what kid is complaining?


"Is this a good visual aid?"

It is seeming to me that most of the exciting points of my day come from bio. As is the case today as well. We were going over the digestive track, and all of it's oddities. Even though this is a class of mainly fourteen to 16 year olds, none of the guys seem to have outgrown their amusement at little objects with funny names. Oy. So, this has become a challenge for my teacher (and other ones in the building as well) to come up with creative things to get the kids to listen. So, Weaver was trying to tell us about these villi or whatever they were. They apparently line the inside of the small intestine and they are what take the nutrients out of the food that passes through. So, he takes a random kid, one sitting at the front of the row that he's always picking on, and says, "so, say I took Hunter here and sliced out his innards with a machete and they were just all laying there on the floor. Then I take one of his small intestines and cut it so that you could see into it, like the end of a straw" He then proceeded to draw this up on the board, but everyone was too engrossed in his "story" that they didn't pay much attention to the actual drawing. So he went back to the narration. "Then, as Hunter is just sitting there, slowly dieing, he watches me as I take that little section of gut and slice it down the side, so that it lays open like a carpet..."he drew that too. again, not much attention to that "and you can see all of these little villi in there." I was pretty much grossed out at this point, but every guy in the class was laughing, including Hunter, who was still very much alive. But then to top it all off, Weaver asked, "Is this a good visual aid?" Oh my word. Chopping head off and shoving someplace where it will never have to listen to one of these "lectures" again.

Just one question, though, did Weav ever do this kind of stuff to you when you had him, Kirk? Or is it one of those adaptation things? Either way, I think that it has something to do with my headache and the slightly sick feeling that I have.



All my titles are kinda repetitive. I just realized that. lol.

so i didn't really name this one at all. So there. Today was the first day of un-daylight saving. yay. but of course, it always takes me about a week to get used to it (which is the grounds of my theory that we should turn turn the whle fall back and spring forward things into two weeklong breaks so that the students can get used to the time change for school)So, I woke up at 7ish, which, as you know, is normally 8, which is the time i normally get up on sunday's. So I got to hang around for two and a half hours before I had to get ready for mtg. So, I did jus that. I hung around being bored and eating garlicy chips that, i'm pretty sure turned my breath into something horrid that no one should have to experience. It was preety foul.

Mtg went off without a hitch, cause, since we set our clocks back an hour instead of forward, no one was late to or anything. Hmm...nothing exciting there.

Then we came home for lunch. Pot roast, mashed 'taters, dump salad (yay) and corn. It had just gotten done when someone called and said that they wanted to look at the house. Thus started the hectic scramble to beat some sort of record. We got all nine rooms cleaned in a half hour, give or take. about an hour later, we (and by we, i mean i)had just about given up on them coming. So, we all decided that we could just eat, cause our food was getting cold. So, after a bit of a scuffle to get food, we sat down at the table with our food. Five minutes later, two cars pulled into the drive way. We just decided to ignore them, and g about our "dainty" eating. It didnt' really work out all that well, because we kept laughing about something or another, so our mouths were open most of the time food was in them. So much for that. Mom told us later that they could hear us the entire time, even when they were outside talking. Kinda funny. After they left the house, however, Shawna made some sort of remark of which i cannot remember the words of, and, inorder to get back at her for it, i dipped my fingers in water and sprayed her with it. She looked at me,then looked at her cup (which was empty), then looked at my cup, (which was very full) and reached for the latter. of course, fearing for the well-being of my dress, I pulled it away from her, slightly tipping it in mom's direction. Not the wisest thing to do, cause it spilled all down her sleeve and skirt. Then, seeing as the cup was in my hand with water sloshing down the sides, I put it to more good use and directed it back in Shawna's general dierection. My aim was true. I soaked 'er. Then she directed my own hand back toward my own lap, and I ended up with two ice cubes and a ton of water in my lap, seeing as my dress didn't seem to absorb water. for that I was very grateful. I only had to stand up and I was dry. At this point, Steph was laughing so hard that she could barely breathe, and was just emmitting a squeal ever minute or two. I tried, rather unsuccessfully to shut her up by dumping the remainder of my water on her. Actally, i really threw it at her, so it landed just at her neckline and made it's way down. That didn't quiet her any, but it changed her noise making from laughter to squealing. not much of an improvement.

Round 3:30, all of our company arrived, which included various relatives (the ums kids, and grandparents)and the flecks. soon after, we went to see our house, why, i can't imagine, accept maybe to show it off or something. Then, me, shawna, brandon, and joe went to go pick up pizza, but we had about 20 minutes to kill before it was done, so we went to Safeway for drinks. It much amused Shawna and I when we got out of the car, and the guys just followed. Pretty darned obedient if you ask me. Of course, they were talking about cars and rims the entire time, but i guess you can't hope for intelligence too. So, we got to the drink isle, and walked along looking for what we wanted. Then we spotted a case of Dr. Pepper, and since the guys were still behind us, I said "We need one of those." so Joe picked one up and we continued on out way. Same with a case of orange soda and a bottle of cherry pepsi. It was prety spiffy. Then we got up to the checkout counter, and the lady asked us if we wanted any help with our stuff. "no thanx, we've got them." yay. then they followed us out of the store, to the car, into the pizza place, and back out, with joe holding the pizza, of course. It much amused me.
that's all for now, folks.



I think that I mentioned this last night, but Shawna is now officially here, and she proved it to me this morning. I was sleeping peacefully, round about nine o'clock. I have been dozing since 6, when I had woken up for some reason. But nine o'clock rolls around, and shawna decided to pay me back for what Stephanie had done earlier in the morning. (Steph had had the nerve to wake shawna up)So, she crept into my room, right up next to my bed, and pounced, landing right beside me, and scaring the bejeebers out of me. For some reason, I didn't scream, which was odd, but i don't think that I could open my eyes any wider than i did right then if I tried. So, of course, Shawna cracked up, and then we sat on my bed for a while, and then we got up.

We hung around downstairs for a while before I let the dog in, but when I did, he went crazy all over again, as he apparently had last night. So, he went crazy this morning again too. Apparently, he just wanted someone to pet him, but no one wanted to.

Round about 10, we finally left for breakfast at IHOP. It was really good.I got this big belgian waffle, but i didnt' manage to eat more that half of it. Even though it wasreally really good. After we got out of the resteraunt, Stephanie tried to take shotgun from me, but I had already called it, so we spent a few minutes struggling over the front door (which was still locked at this point). But then Shawna got a brilliant idea, and by brilliant, I mean something that I shoulda-woulda-coulda come up with first. She had mom unlock the driver's side door, then got in, and scooted over to the seat that was being fought for at that very moment. But we couldn't do anything about it, since the door we were at was still locked. Mom finally unlocked it, so I pulled myself in, and after a few tries, managed to sit on Shawna and close the door behind me. Steph had also weasled her way onto the seat, so it appeared that our dilemma was solved: We would all share the seat. Mom didn't think that it was such a good idea. We drove off with all three of us sitting in a backseat that wasn't made to fit more that two and a half people, and wouldn't you know it, I got stuck in the middle. It wasn't all that bad once we turned on the Trace Adkins. I stuck my feet up between the two front seats, and we started singing along, if you can call it that. The second song proved to be the oddest. During a guitar solo, Shawna and Steph started singing the next part of the song, which absolutely drove me nuts, so when the actual song started up again, I started singing the actual words. It was extremely hard to make myself heard, so I started half shouting, half singing it, and by the time I stopped to take a breath, we were all laughing so hard that we couldn't start up again. So, we calmed down, started over the song, and did it all over again.

Then we pulled into a gas station. Shawna looked over at Steph and I, and said, "You have money, right? Lets go get an energy drink!" So we scrambled out of the car, but mom yelled after us that she "absolutely forbid it!!" It turned out that she was serious, so we might go to town again later and get one. I have to go now, cause Steph and Shawna wanna watch Baby Geniuses, which, I might add, is one of the funniest movies ever created.

that's all folks!!


A very odd biology period...

It all started when Weaver started the notes on digestion. And, of course, every term has to be more scientific than what we use in our every day use. We don't cut things, we cleave them. We don't call a mouth a mouth, it's our oral cavity. And so on and so forth. Today, we learned a new word for chewing: masticating. Now think of the word that sounds suspiciously like that, and you will get what every kid in the class thought of every time that word was said. Of course, Weaver had fun with it, and started cracking jokes every chance he got...and then (dundundun) Mr. Ramerez walks in. As soon as he hears about the whole masticating process, he joins in with Weaver, and sits down at one of the lab tables next to a student and says, "So when you get home tonight, and you're sitting at the table eating like this," here he demonstrated eating with all the interest of a teenager in a room full of old people, picking at his invisible food, "and your parents ask you what's wrong, so you say, 'mom, dad, i have a confession. I'm a masticator." The whole room cracked up. It was hilarious, in a disturbing sort of way. Especially when he kept going. "It's such a bad habit. I do it all day long, every day. I've been masticating ever since I can remember." and so on and so forth. Thus, passed the oddest bio period i have ever encountered.

Now, I sit before the 'puter, with a bag of butter lovers popcorn on my lap and candy wrappers gathered around me, and I can very well tell you that by the time Shawna gets home, I'm not going to feel very good at all. You see, it's her that I'm waiting for. Steph and I took turns talking to her on the phone for a while, because she was so bored. So, I told her that the next time she comes down, she needs to bring someone with her so that she isn't so bored and doesn't have to call us. So, now I'm bored, and I'm pretty much done writing, so I'm gonna watch Zoolander until something more exciting happens. And I doubt it will. So tata.
